Culturally Relevant Inspiration Jodi Bumgarner EDU692: Creativity, Culture, and Global Context in Education Professor: Amy Gray July 6, 2015
The Location And General Demographic Information About The Students The Meadowbrook School consists of students and teachers in an active learning environment. The school provides students a varied STEAM curriculum where the faculty and school leadership takes their commitment to the students very seriously. Meadowbrook uses the research as a learning tool like other schools do. “What makes Meadowbrook different is the way they not only access the best practices of activity using the advanced research on their campus through a vibrant, student-led RSD initiative” (Partnership for 21 st Century Learning, n.d.).
The Meadowbrook School location and demographic The school was founded in 1923 is located at Weston Massachusetts on about 30 acres land west of Boston. The school has around 300 boys and girls from kindergarten up to the eighth grade that consist of diverse backgrounds. Meadowbrook school has a 1.7 ratio of students and teachers. (Partnership for 21 st Century Learning, n.d.). Meadowbrook school has a curriculum that supports the 21 st century learning skills of today for its students.
21st Century Skills Supported by The Meadowbrook School Meadowbrook’s curriculum includes the use of robotics and computer programs that begin in Kindergarten and continue through the eighth grade. A STEAM curriculum. According to “The Eurekalab ( is a physical place and a guide for lots curriculum initiatives) that focus on five principles. It consists of Innovation, Design Thinking, Creativity, Entrepreneurship, and Service Learning”( /projects/ ).
Culturally Relevant Pedagogy When it comes to Culturally Relevant Pedagogy there is multi-partnership that address things like social-emotional projects, which address social emotional learning in multicultural teaching institute, collaboration with special education. All of these were created through (Mit’s Edgerton Center). They were created for teachers, however leaders can anticipate the Future of Education and the desire to become conductors of change. “The purpose of MTI is to focus on 21 st Century Skills and Future Leadership including innnovitation”( 21 st Century Learning Exemplar programs).
Creativity Promotion Meadowbrook's curriculum consists of Robotics and Computer Programming. “Which moves from kindergarten age had programs like bee-bots through things like Lego mind storms” (Partnership for 21 st Century Learning, n.d.).
The Location And General Demographic Information About The Students Hopewell school allows the students to be more in control of their learning through the use of data notebook, “which helps the student be connected to the world of knowledge that doesn’t exist in a isolation and build critical thinking, communication, an creativity collaboration skills can be fundamental to their college and career goals” (Partnership for 21 st Century Learning, n.d.).
The Location And General Demographic Information About The Students Hopewell Elementary School is located in a small town called Trinity in NC. This school has about 600 students ranging from kindergarten to the 5 th grade. Hopewell offers it students a great global competence education program. Which also allows the students the chance too take part in a Spanish level immersion program and a VIF partner school.
21st Century Skills Technology play a large roll in the student learning process. Hopewell provides student access to things like smart boards used in every classroom. The students also use laptops, smart tablets, and mobile labs. Hopewell also provides a monthly professional development in the proper technology to improve instruction. Technology is woven into the class curriculum, since it focus on global competence and the learning of Spanish dual immersion. (Partnership for 21 st Century Learning, n.d.).
Culturally Relevant Pedagogy Teachers and students at Hopewell Elementary School are a large part of student centered technology allowed data driven and globalized environment. “Which focuses on ensuring students a good chance at college and career ready” (Partnership for21 st Century Learning, n.d.).
Creativity Promotion Hopewell school uses a program that allows the students to lead the conference with the parents utilizing their notebook of data references. The school also uses a professional learning team that analyzed the results obtained about the formative assessments in order to determine the groups. Which students need help in specific standards. “Hopewell also uses instructional rounds that include administritative teams and classroom teachers choose an area to focus on for each instructional rounds using a smart board” (Partnership for21 st Century Learning, n.d.).
The Location And General Demographic Information About The Students Manor New Tech High features project based learning experiences and Stem education. The school also has 21 st Century technology skills that are used and emphasizes in every classroom and projects. Manor's choices to use the three R’s which are rigor, relevance, and relationship. Ownership and autonomy are important to the Manor’s PBL. Those concepts are used at each level of each student’s level of learning. All teachers begin by using the state standards, while they observe the schools PBL. The teachers are left to use their own creativity and professionalism to create projects and guide their students through each part of the process. Teacher’s try to make sure their students have the chance to show their knowledge as long as they aim for the learning outcome as defined in the rubric”( Edutopia, 2015).
The Location And General Demographic Information About The Students Manor New Tech High is located east of Austin, Texas and was established in 2007, and has about 400 hundred students. This school has a diverse class population which is made up of 48%Hispanics 23%Cascusians 23% Blacks 4%Asians 4% Special needs students 100% of their graduates are accepted into a college (Partnership for21 st Century Learning, n.d.).
Culturally Relevant Pedagogy The main goal of the school is to make sure their students succeed in the 21 st century’s information based on globally completive and technology society. Another thing, Manor High School emphasizes is a teaching learning relationship and good collaboration with other students businesses and their community. Through the use of project based lessons created for students to develop and regularly exercise intrapersonal skills and other skills like communication, collaboration, problem-solving.” The school core values reflect key things like personal and socio-emotional attributes and their community values, which consists of respect, intergity,trust and responsibility”(Edutopia,2015).
21st Century Skills When it comes to the 21 st Century Learning Skills. Things like tablets replace textbooks and lot of classes have teams of teachers in them.
Project-Based Learning Manor New Tech High uses of a new technology to help prepare their students for college or the workplace. “The school also focuses on STEM Learning using things like smart phones, cameras, and computers also tablets”(Kut,2014).
Promotes Creativity In The Classroom Manor High School promotes creativity in the classroom and the use of project-based learning.” Manor New Tech High usually has their students participate in at least 200 projects and also requires the students to participate in the 40 hours of community service to help make sure the students obtain support at home ”(Edutopia,2015).
References (n.d.). Retrieved July 15, 2015, from based-learning-bes t-practices. (n.d.). Retrieved July 15, 2015, from work. work (n.d.). Retrieved July 15, 2015, from case-studies/list -of-exemplar-schools. What is Design Thinking? (n.d.). Retrieved July 15, 2015, from