METEOROLOGICAL ‘ADVENT’ QUIZ An assortment of thirty quiz questions, one for each day in December up to the 30th. They may or may not tax the ‘old grey matter.’ Light-hearted, fun/easy/not easy/obscure, they all have one thing in common, a connection to Meteorology, albeit tenuous in some cases! To advance to the next slide, click here!
IN A DITCH AT THE CENTRE OF EACH RAINDROP IS A SMALL PARTICLE OF ‘DUST’ THE WIND IN THE WILLOWS EXETER In which city is the British Meteorological Office? 1 st December EAST ROCKALL What shipping forecast area lies between Shannon & Bailey? 6 th December ISOHYET What is a line on a weather map that connects areas of equal rainfall called? 7 th December THE TORNADOES Who had a number one hit in 1962 with the song Telstar? 8 th December Towards which direction, (north, east, west or south) is a rainbow normally seen, when it’s afternoon? 12 th December THE GULF STREAM What is the circulating Atlantic ocean current which warms Western Europe? 9 th December A squall line is a system of violent little showers or thunderstorms that have formed into a line. What is a squall line?10 th December THREE COMMAS IN A VERTICAL LINE Can you describe the symbol for ww54? 11 th December NAMES OF TROPICAL STORMS OR HURRICANES What were all girls from 1953 to 1979, and thereafter alternative boys and girls? 13 th December VULCAN In Roman mythology who forged the lightning bolts thrown by Jupiter? 14 th December RAINFALL What type of data does a pluviograph plot? 15 th December DOWNHILL In which direction does a katabatic wind blow? 16 th December Click on the date, GREEN box to reveal question RED box to reveal answer. FIGURE OF EIGHT ON ITS SIDE FLOODS Which kills more people every year, lightning, floods, tornadoes or hurricanes? 5 th December Can you describe the symbol for ww05? 4 th December What is at the centre of every raindrop? 3 rd December For which 1908 novel is author Kenneth Grahame best known? 2 nd December TROPOPAUSE High-cloud tops generally are limited by the height of the...? 17 th December SNOW PELLETS What is graupel, sleet, snow pellets, hail or super-cooled water? 18 th December ALEX HIGGINS With which snooker player would you associate the nickname The Hurricane? 19 th December THREE HORIZONTAL LINES Can you describe the symbol for ww45? 20 th December 10 What number does ‘storm’ equate to on the Beaufort Scale of wind force? 21 st December Where warm and cold fronts have combined What is an occlusion?22 nd December Which is safest during a tornado, inside a car, under an overpass, in a ditch or under a tree? 23 rd December STRATUS What cloud term means ‘sheet’ or ‘sheet-like or ‘layer’? 24 th December EL NINO Which weather phenomenon comes from the Spanish for little boy? 25 th December MINUS 40 (the same) What is minus 40 Fahrenheit expressed as degrees Celsius? 26 th December CUMULONIMBUS What type of cloud is normally associated with thunderstorms? 27 th December A PIG What animal is Snowball in George Orwell’s book Animal Farm? 28 th December OROGRAPHIC LIFTING Lenticular and stratiform clouds are caused in stable air by...? 29 th December That it was below freezing What does the occurrence of hoar frost prove about the dew point temperature? 30 th December 31 st December – click here
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