CSE 310 Object Oriented Programming Summer 2016 Suraiya Tairin
Attendance5% Assignments/Class tests/Quizzes10% Midterm Exam20% Final Exam35% Lab 30% Total 100% Mark Distribution
Exam Format Mid Term 1/2 Hour Finals 2/3 Hours Quizzes Minimum 4/5 Quizzes Assignment Minimum 1/2
Java : The Complete Reference - Herbert Schildt Java How To Program - Deitel and Deitel Text Books:
Course Materials: You can get all course materials at: \\tsr\Fall\CSE\SRT\CSE310 You have to join to google group: groups.google.com/group/ cse310summer2016
Faculty Information Name: Suraiya Tairin Room: UB Subject: [CSE310] [Name, ID]
Classrooms Monday Room: UB20202 Time: pm Wednesday Room: UB20202 Time: pm
Tentative Lesson Plan TopicLecture Topics 1Basic OOP concepts, Class, Object, Java Memory Model, Garbage Collection, Methods in Java, Static vs Instance Data fields, Method overloading. Scope of variables: Public, Package, Protected, Private, Static, Final 2Constructor & Destructor, Constants, Encapsulation, Access Modifiers, Inheritance, Base Class and derived class, Overriding vs overloading, Polymorphism,Upcasting & Downcasting, Abstract classes and methods, Interface, Object Oriented Design
Tentative Lesson Plan TopicLecture Topics 3Exception, Java Thread, Networking, Collections, I/O, Applet, Swing, JavaDoc, Packaging, Some Special Java Features 4Ideas on C++ and C#