Terry Hogg Sector Innovation Manager Scottish Enterprise
Public Procurement of Innovation Demand based innovation support Terry Hogg Scottish Enterprise
Innovation Procurement Approach
Pilot Project - Tidal Array Cabling Solution Development of 5 novel tidal array cabling solution concepts during 2014/15. Successful full demonstration of 2 cabling solutions in Orkney during autumn/winter of Aquatera-led consortium moored barge (accurate cable locating and securing tech.) Jee U-tube cable locating and protection system
Funders & Partners. Scottish Enterprise, Scottish Government. NHS Scotland, Scottish Diabetes Group, Innovate UK. Phase 1 - Feasibility, 6 months. 5 awards made (almost), £30K. Phase 2 - Prototype & testing, 12 months. Up to 2 Awards, £150K. Phase 3 - Commercialisation support. Pilot - Diabetes education and mobile health
Funders & Partners. Scottish Government, Zero Waste Scotland, Highlands & Islands Enterprise. Scottish Water, SEPA & Scottish Enterprise. Phase 1 – Feasibility. 7 awards made, £40K. Phase 2 - Prototype & Trial. Up to 4 projects, £100K. Phase 3 – Commercialisation support. Hydro Nation Water Innovation Service. Pilot Project – Phosphorous & PS recovery from Water
Companies. Specific customer with innovation challenge, and future procurement plans. 100% funding, this is a R&D contract not a grant. Retain and exploit your IP. Successful applicants move to trial with customer – initial test bed. Public Bodies. De-risked approach to exploring innovative solutions. Reduced service delivery cost and improved quality. If you are a public body with innovation challenges, or a company with innovative solutions? Contact me: Terry Hogg, PPI Programme Benefits