Youth Health Champion Programme Youth Health Champion Certificate Youth Health HUB Alix Sheppard Youth Health Programme Adviser
Health Myths Rate your own health on a scale of 1-5
Why invest in YP’s health? More than 8 out of 10 adults who have ever smoked regularly, started before age 19 The UK has one of the highest alcohol abuse rates in Europe 50% of life-time mental illness (excluding dementia) starts before age 15 Around one third of young people aged 11–15 are overweight and around 1 in 5 are obese and 8 out of 10 obese teenagers go on to be obese adults Only 15% of girls and under a third of boys report meeting the Chief Medical Officer’s guidelines for physical activity of at least one hour of physical activity each day
Where do YP get their health messages from? Parents Teachers Social Media Friends Health Professionals
Where do we get our information from? PHE Healthy lives; Healthy People; Our strategy for public health (DoH, 2010) Marmot Review (DoH, 2010) The link between pupil health and wellbeing and attainment (Nov 2014) Improving young people’s health and wellbeing: A framework for public health (Jan 2015) A guide to community centred approaches for health and wellbeing (Feb 2015) Promoting children and young people’s emotional health and wellbeing (March 2015) Key Data on Adolescence 2013 (AYPH, PHE 2013) Children’s view of services; A rapid review (NCB, 2009)
Essex pilot background Piloted in Essex between 2007 and 2009 prior to being commissioned as a service RSPH developed an accredited training programme with the founding team Now rolling out nationally in schools, colleges and youth centres to support young people’s health, wellbeing and resilience
What is a Youth Health Champion YHC Listening and supporting Role modelling healthy behaviours Signposting to health services Designing and delivering campaigns Feed back on YP issues Supporting health messages
A peer mentoring model YHCs are recruited and trained to support their peers in making healthier lifestyle choices Supported by an allocated staff member in their setting Linked to local services and sources of further support in their communities Linked with national helplines and websites A two way process - YHCs can also advise on the accessibility and profile of their local health services for young people Supporting national campaigns and policies for both health promotion and protection The qualification can also be used to support and add value to existing youth volunteer programmes
What’s in it for the Youth Health Champion? Nationally accredited award at Level 2 (13 credits) on QCF Evidence of commitment and interest for future careers in health or social care sectors Potential use towards other awards e.g. DoE (Community Service)
Benefits To the young people Young people are more likely to listen and approach peers for information Understand the benefits of a healthy lifestyle Learn the skills to make healthier choices Develop skills for the workplace Increased knowledge of risks of unhealthy behaviours Linked to the key local and national support services CV development (for YHCs) To the setting: Improves health and wellbeing of students and staff Increases health literacy Can be used to convey urgent health messages Supports messages of PSHE/SMSC Improves links between young people’s services
Settings Schools/ Colleges PRU’s and Special Schools Youth Centres Young Offenders centres Other youth settings such as clubs and summer camps
Links with Local community health improvement services Duke of Edinburgh schemes Youth Councils and peer support programmes The whole school approach as required by the healthy Schools model Ofsted requirements for SMSC and pupil voice/wellbeing School nursing and pastoral teams
Level 1 2 credits Health improvement Level 2 1 credit Encourg -ing Smoking cessation Level 2 1 credit Understand -ing Alcohol misuse Level 2 1 credit Encouragin g Physical activity Level 2 1 credit Understan ding Sexual Health Level 2 1 credit Understan ding Substance misuse Level 2 1 credit Understandin g Weight management & healthy eating Level 2 6 credits Deliver a health improvement message to a group of peers Level 2 4 credits Research health improvement facilities Youth Health Champion Certificate 3 mandatory Units, Optional units
Delivering Campaigns Campaign topics can be decided by using information from: Data from the SHEU (where available) Public Health Local area priorities LES LES School/College health priorities The YHC’s knowledge of young peoples issues within the setting Current National Campaigns
Types of campaigns Example topics Smoking awareness Coping with exam stress Emotional/mental wellbeing Bullying Healthy Eating Sexual health Healthy relationships LGBT and homophobia Roast Dinner Day Example styles: Poster campaign Talks to peer groups Assembly presentations Stalls and stands Community link events Rap Radio broadcast
Key skills Communication Teamwork Leadership Campaign planning Health knowledge Goal setting
Example activities Communication Goal setting
Five ways to wellbeing
Contacts Gina Mohajer Education and Development Executive DD: +44 (0) Switchboard: +44 (0) Alix Sheppard Lead YHC programme consultant M: Royal Society for Public Health John Snow House 59 Mansell Street London E1 8AN Follow us on Twitter and visit our BlogTwitterBlog RSPH Training Solutions Supporting the Health & Wellbeing Workforce
Here’s some we made earlier.. health-champions.cfm