Get a computer off of the cart and log-on. Start working on you notes- the Executive Branch. Take out your letter (draft).
Write about the following prompt-
The Main Ideas of the Executive Branch (take notes on these things) Qualifications for President Electoral College Terms of President Vice President Secession Presidential Powers Main Ideas Notes / Details
Requirements, Terms, and Roles of the President
enforce laws execute laws carry out laws
35 years old Native born American citizen Resident of the US for at least 14 years
Barack Obama 44 th President Previously- Senator from IL 53 years old (August 4, 1961)
Elections every 4 years US uses the Electoral College – not direct vote Electoral College currently has 538 members ◦ (for D.C.) = 538 270 electoral votes are needed to win an election
1 term = 4 years President can only serve 2 terms (8 years) 22 nd Amendment No more than 10 years if the President succeeded to office midterm
$400, per year $50, expense account White House, offices, staff, fleet of cars, Air Force 1, Camp David, medical, dental, travel and entertainment expenses, Secret Service, pension (retirement for life)
“The President in Waiting” ◦ “I am the Vice President, I am nothing, but I may be everything.” John Adams (1 st VP) Qualifications- same as the President Terms- same as the President Salary/Benefits- $230,700 + expenses Duties of the VP ◦ President of the Senate (votes in the event of a tie) ◦ To help decide the question of presidential disability – 25 th Amendment
Given more power in recent years Examples ◦ Gore was an environmental advisor to Clinton ◦ Cheney advised Bush of foreign policy issues
Vice President Speaker of the House President Pro Tempore Secretary of State Secretary of Treasury Secretary of Defense Attorney General
Constitution states that the President must deliver the “State of the Union” every year Today given as a televised speech in January Give Executive Orders- rule or command that has the force of law Appoint Judges, Cabinet Members, and Ambassadors Send troops into battle
Grant Pardons- declaration of forgiveness and freedom from punishment Grant Reprieves- delay of punishment until a higher court can hear the case Grant Amnesty- give a pardon to a group of people
Foreign policy – overall plan for dealing with other nations Basic goals ◦ Ensure national security ◦ International trade ◦ Promote world peace ◦ Promote democracy
Tools of Foreign Policy Creating Treaties and Executive Agreements Appointing Ambassadors Foreign Aid International Trade ◦ Trade sanctions- limiting trade in efforts to punish another country ◦ Embargo- a group of countries prohibited from trading with a certain country Military Force- Commander in Chief
Job = to advise the president 15 total members Group of presidential advisors; top 15 positions of each executive department Known as “Secretary of…” except Department of Justice who is known as the Attorney General Cabinet members must be approved by Congress
John Kerry Secretary of State
Secretary of State Secretary of the Treasury Secretary of Defense Attorney General Secretary of the Interior Secretary of Agriculture Secretary of Commerce Secretary of Labor Secretary of Homeland Security Secretary of Health and Human Services Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Secretary of Transportation Secretary of Energy Secretary of Education Secretary of Veterans Affairs
Have also gained power Now have an office and a staff Example: ◦ Nancy Reagan—Just Say No drug campaign ◦ Hillary Clinton—Improve Health Care ◦ Laura Bush—Improve Education/Literacy ◦ Michelle Obama—End childhood obesity
President Cabinet Members (Heads of Departments) Departments Agency Directors Agencies FBI CIA EPA FAA Treasury State Justice Defense Secretaries ATF
25 questions Includes- How a Bill becomes and Law and Executive Branch