Young Gastein - Group 6 GLOBAL HEALTH GOVERNANCE – EUROPE AND THE WORLD Matthias Brunn Alexander Geissler Valerie Hughes Conrad Kobel Claudia Maier Laura Otero Gyte Paltanaviciute Iva Rincic Domas Savickas 15th European Health Forum Gastein 3rd - 6th October 2012 Crisis and Opportunity: Health in an Age of Austerity
What affects global health? Health is COMPLEX – it includes illness AND well-being It is NOT a priority, especially during times of austerity It NEEDS to become a priority It NEEDS to become integrated into ALL policies
How to fix this? 1. Better promotion of health and well-being 2. All actors MUST work together – better cooperation – without loss of sovereignty –NGOs –National Governments/International Organizations –EU / WHO / World Bank 3. Identify and use existing resources –no extra cost –identify and utilise existing resources –change of mind-set –work together 4. Identify and use existing knowledge –Use it! –Share it!
How long will this take? Immediate –work together through the prioritisation of health Short-term –existing-policies e.g. Europe 2020, Horizon 2020, –continuous prioritisation of health policies and placing health at the centre of agendas Long-term –GOAL – Better Health for All
What will be the outcome of prioritisation? Better health for all Health at the centre of all policies at local, national, European and global levels Use of Health Impact Assessment in all policy making, goal setting and policy evaluation Recognition of linkages between health policies between health and other areas e.g. educational attainment, improved living standards... Health impacts on all Health as a global right OR......
How can we achieve this? Better use of existing resources and knowledge Advocacy Networking
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