16 April 2007 N. Russakovich 101th session of the JINR Scientific Council, January 2007
16 April 2007 N. Russakovich Major issues of the SC101 agenda A.Sissakian Implementation of the recommendations of the Scientific Council’s 99th and 100th sessions. Main directions of JINR’s strategic development Reports by Directors of JINR Laboratories and UC on the results of activity in 2006 М. Itkis, R. Lednický JINR Topical Plan for 2007” in line with the provisions of the road map Т. Hallman, N. Janeva, W. Nawrocik Recommendations of the Programme Advisory Committees Awarding of the B. Pontecorvo Prize. Scientific presentation by the Laureate of the Prize - A. Suzuki.
16 April 2007 N. Russakovich I. General considerations 1.The Scientific Council (SC) is pleased to note that most of its recommendations to the JINR Directorate concerning the Scientific Programme of JINR, the operation and upgrade of the basic facilities, and the construction of new facilities are being implemented. 2. SC highly appreciates the success of the XXXIII International Conference on High Energy Physics (Moscow, 26 July – 2 August 2006) co- organized by JINR, which also presented 17 reports at parallel sessions and one plenary report; several JINR scientists were session leaders. 3. SC strongly supports further efforts to increase the Institute budget to secure implementation of the long-term development programme of JINR. 4. SC appreciates the decision of the JINR Directorate that a substantial increase of salaries will have high priority for the use of the increased JINR budget.
16 April 2007 N. Russakovich I. General considerations 5. SC highly appreciates the involvement of new countries, in particular the Republic of South Africa, into the JINR orbit, and the new initiatives towards the restoration of the membership of the People’s Republic of China at JINR. 3 rd JCC Meeting, Gordon’s Bay, SA, 7-8 March,2007
16 April 2007 N. Russakovich Activities in South Africa Skukuza Symposium, Krueger Park, SA, 5-9 February,2007 Meeting in NECSA, Pretoria, SA, December 2007 FLNR delegation in iThemba L.A.B.S., Cape-Town, SA, February 2007
16 April 2007 N. Russakovich I. General considerations 6. SC reiterates its previous recommendations on the central importance of the JINR basic facilities for the future development of the Institute, and notes with satisfaction the results achieved in the DRIBS and IREN projects, the ongoing modernization of the IBR-2 reactor, and the conceptual foundation being laid for a future Nuclotron-NICA project.
16 April 2007 N. Russakovich II. Considerations concerning the current JINR scientific programme 1. SC recognizes the significant scientific accomplishments of JINR scientists in 2006 in the fields of particle physics, nuclear physics, and condensed matter physics, and looks forward to new achievements and major advances in the future. 2. SC endorses “The JINR Topical Plan of Research and International Cooperation for 2007” which has been developed by the Directorate in line with the main provisions of the JINR road map and the recommendations of the PACs. 3. SC welcomes the Directorate’s intention to implement a new approach to the contents and template of the JINR Topical Plan of Research and International Cooperation, meaning - streamlining the research programme of the Institute - establishing milestones for yearly tracking the progress - full consistency with the actual JINR budget - three-year planning
16 April 2007 N. Russakovich II. Considerations concerning the current JINR scientific programme 4. Considering a large number of high-priority projects, SC recommends that the Directorate clarify the procedure used in order to establish the priorities within the laboratories. 5. SC reiterates its recommendation that the University Centre should be given more financial support, but also the Member States should reinforce their involvement in the UC activity. UC training laboratories and auditoria
16 April 2007 N. Russakovich III. Recommendations in connection with the PACs / CM Physics Issues 1. SC endorses the main lines of the JINR Programme of Condensed Matter Physics Research for the period 2007– SC notes that the IBR-2 reactor, the main facility of JINR in the field of condensed matter physics, completed its successful operation in December 2006, after approximately 50 thousand hours of operation. Ceremonial shutting-down IBR-2, 18 December 2006
16 April 2007 N. Russakovich III. Recommendations in connection with the PACs / Nuclear Physics Issues 3. The construction of the IBR-2M – fundamentally a new reactor – has begun. SC expects the JINR and FLNP Directorates to take all necessary measures to ensure the continuation of the work for the IBR-2 modernization, including the implementation of cold moderators, according to schedule. 4. Although the modernization of IBR-2 is the most important task for FLNP, the scientific and educational activities at this Laboratory should be kept at the current high-quality level. SC appreciates the well-structured plan for research at external neutron sources for the period of the IBR modernization, as well as of the development of upgrades for the spectrometers for the future IBR-2M reactor.
16 April 2007 N. Russakovich III. Recommendations in connection with the PACs 5. The Scientific Council expects JINR to set up a group of its own and external experts to carry out the ranking of the spectrometer upgrade projects taking into account the foreseen construction of the broad-band moderators and current trends in modern condensed matter physics. SC would also support JINR’s efforts to invest adequate resources in detectors to exploit more effectively the neutron facilities. 6. SC is pleased to note that, after being refurbished, the operation of the Phasotron has restarted. This is especially important for the hadron therapy programme.
16 April 2007 N. Russakovich III. Recommendations in connection with the PACs 7. SC shares the opinion expressed by the PAC that JINR has personnel and technique advantages in biomedical applications of ion- beam facilities. SC reiterates the need for coordination of all activities in biomedical physics at JINR. 8. SC appreciated, that the agenda of the PAC’s last two meetings included poster presentations by young scientists working in the fields of condensed matter studies, radiobiology, and life sciences. 9. SC requests for its next session a presentation of the vision for future activities in condensed matter physics.
16 April 2007 N. Russakovich IV. Memberships of the PACs 1. SC thanks Professor N. Janeva for her very successful work as Chairperson of the PAC for Nuclear Physics. 2. SC appoints for a term of three years -Professor W. Greiner (FIAS, Frankfurt, Germany) as Chairperson of the PAC for Nuclear Physics, -Professor E. Vardaci (University, Naples, Italy) as a new member of the PAC for Nuclear Physics, -Professor E. Burzo (University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania) as a new member of the PAC for Condensed Matter Physics -Professor L. Riccati (INFN, Turin, Italy) as a new member of the PAC for Particle Physics. 3. SC reiterates its support for regular rotation of PAC members.
16 April 2007 N. Russakovich V. JINR prizes The Scientific Council congratulates Professor A. Suzuki (KEK, Japan) on being awarded the 2006 B. Pontecorvo Prize for the discovery of reactor antineutrino oscillations and the detection of geoantineutrinos in the KamLAND experiment. The Scientific Council thanks Professor A. Suzuki for his impressive scientific presentation.
16 April 2007 N. Russakovich VI. Nominations 1. The election of the Directors of the Laboratory of Particle Physics and of the Laboratory of Radiation Biology is postponed till the 103rd session of the Scientific Council. 2. SC elected by ballot for a term of five years - V. Voronov as Director of the Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics -A. Belushkin as Director of the Frank Laboratory of Neutron Physics, -V. Kekelidze as Director of the Veksler and Baldin Laboratory of High Energies -S. Dmitriev as Director of the Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions
16 April 2007 N. Russakovich VI. Nominations 3. SC thanks Professors A. Sissakian, A. Belushkin, A. Malakhov, M. Itkis, and V. Kekelidze for their very successful work as Director of BLTP, Director of FLNP, Director of VBLHE, Director of FLNR, and Director of LPP, respectively. Their outstanding contributions to the development of the scientific research in these Laboratories are highly appreciated. 4. SC announces vacancies of the Deputy Directors of BLTP, FLNP, VBLHE, and FLNR. The election for these positions will take place at the 102nd session of the Scientific Council on 27–28 September 2007.
16 April 2007 N. Russakovich A regular session of the Committee of Plenipotentiaries of the Governments of the JINR Member States was held in Dubna on March 2007.
16 April 2007 N. Russakovich Major issues of the CP agenda Chair The Plenipotentiary of the Government of Mongolia, S. Enkhbat A. Sissakian Implementation of the recommendations of the Scientific Council and of the decisions of the Committee of Plenipotentiaries concerning JINR’s activity in 2006; plans of the Institute for 2007 V. Katrasev Execution of the JINR budget in 2006, draft budget for 2007, budget forecast for the years 2008–2010, and draft contributions for 2008 V. Kekelidze Scientific report “Development of Accelerator Complex for High- Energy Heavy-Ion Physics (Nuclotron + NICA)” A. Ruzaev JINR’s innovation activity – tasks for 2007
16 April 2007 N. Russakovich The CP approved the activity of the Institute Directorate on the implementation of the JINR Plan of Research and International Cooperation in It highly appreciated the fruitful work of the Directorate on the involvement the Republic of South Africa into the JINR orbit as well as the progress achieved in the preparation of an agreement about associate membership of the Republic of Serbia. CP commissioned the JINR Directorate to take necessary steps at the level of the leadership of the People’s Republic of China for the restoration of its membership in JINR. China, September 2006 Serbian delegation in JINR, 6 December 2006
16 April 2007 N. Russakovich CP recognized the efforts of the JINR Directorate aimed at optimizing the scientific programme of the Institute as well as the significant achievements of JINR scientists in 2006, specifically: – the creation of a conceptual project for the future development of the Nuclotron accelerator complex (project NICA); – the measurement of the charge asymmetry in decays of charged kaons in the NA48/2 experiment in CERN with the key contribution of JINR scientists; – the first measurements of the chemical properties of Element 112 at the Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions (in collaboration); – the progress of investigations on the search of neutrinoless double- beta decay (project NEMO-3); – a number of original results obtained in experiments at the IBR-2 reactor on neutron diffraction studies; – further studies of the origin of clustered DNA damages within the radiobiology research programme; – the development of a Grid-infrastructure as a component of the world-wide Grid-infrastructure; – the establishment of training laboratories at the University Centre as a new element of its structure.
16 April 2007 N. Russakovich CP noted: the successful operation of the JINR basic facilities as well as the progress in their development and upgrade, in particular, after being refurbished, the operation of the Phasotron has restarted, which is especially important for the hadron therapy programme. the successful participation of JINR in the International Linear Collider (ILC) project and welcomed the decision of the ILC Global Design Effort to recognize JINR as an official candidate for a possible hosting of the ILC complex. the activity of the Institute Directorate on participation in the establishment of a special economic zone in Dubna by promoting the creation of an “innovation belt” around JINR. CP accepted the resignation of Professor Gerrit van Middelkoop of the Institute for Nuclear Physics and High Energy Physics (Amsterdam, The Netherlands) and thanked him for his long and successful work as member of the Scientific Council. CP appointed Professor Michel Spiro, Director of the Institute for Nuclear Physics and High Energy Physics –– IN2P3 (Paris, France) as a new member of the JINR Scientific Council. The election of the new membership is to be held at the CP session in March 2008.
16 April 2007 N. Russakovich CP took note of the information on the execution of the JINR budget in 2006: in expenditure ~ US$ 41.6 millions in income ~ US$ 39.9 millions. The budget for 2007 amounts to ~ US$ 46.1 millions The host country of the Institute is allowed to pay up to 90% of its contribution in the national currency. The estimate of the JINR budget for 2008 in income and expenditure amounts to ~ US$ 56 millions CP fixed the provisional sums of the Member States’ contributions and of debt payments for CP recommended that the future assessment of the contributions by the governments of the Member States should be oriented on the forecast for the budgets with the total expenditure amounting to US$ 68.9 million in 2009 and to US$ 85.0 million in 2010.
16 April 2007 N. Russakovich CP commissioned the Working Group for financial issues of JINR under the CP Chairman to prepare proposals for amendments to the “Programme of debt restructuring and reforming the system of calculation and payment of the Member States’ contributions for 2004–2010”, concerning the amount of annual increase of the JINR budget and of the Member States’ contributions, and to submit them for consideration to the Finance Committee and to the Committee of Plenipotentiaries in November CP took note of the Directorate’s information about the sale of the worn-out building of JINR’s boiler-house. The proceeds from the sale of this object should be reflected in updating the JINR budget for The CP approved the agreement, dated 4 December 2006, between the JINR Directorate and the Plenipotentiary of the Government of the Republic of Azerbaijan to JINR concerning the restructuring of the debt the Republic of Azerbaijan.
16 April 2007 N. Russakovich CP granted JINR’s Director the power to attract investments for the development of the Institute’s engineering and social infrastructure, with the observance of procedures stipulated by the Financial Regulations of JINR. CP resolved to hold its sessions two times a year to allow for approval of the Institute’s budget before the beginning of fiscal year, changing accordingly the schedule of meetings of the Finance Committee, Scientific Council and of the Programme Advisory Committees. The CP amended The Financial Regulations of JINR by adopting the following wording for Article 3.1.: “The Director of the Institute submits, until 15 October, to the Plenipotentiaries of the governments of the Member States the draft budget for the next fiscal year”. CP approved the Protocol the Financial Committee meeting and the execution of the JINR budget in 2005 and the auditors’ conclusion for CP also extended for another year the powers of the company “MS-Audit”, registered in Dubna, to review the Institute’s financial activity in 2006.
16 April 2007 N. Russakovich CP supported the plans of the Institute Directorate for the development of innovation activity in 2007 and for the participation in the establishment of a special economic zone in Dubna. CP allowed the Institute Director to decide about JINR’s participation in the creation of innovative enterprises, subject to subsequent notification of the Plenipotentiaries.
16 April 2007 N. Russakovich Thanks for your attention!