© 2005 Global Grid Forum The information contained herein is subject to change without notice Leading the pervasive adoption of grid computing for research and industry Hiro Kishimoto, Tom Maguire OGSA Status and Future, OGSA-WG #1 3 rd October, 2005 (GGF15 in Boston) 11am-12:30pm OGSA™ Activity Status and Future OGSA is a trademark of GGF
2 GGF Intellectual Property Policy All statements related to the activities of the GGF and addressed to the GGF are subject to all provisions of Appendix B of GFD-C.1, which grants to the GGF and its participants certain licenses and rights in such statements. Such statements include verbal statements in GGF meetings, as well as written and electronic communications made at any time or place, which are addressed to any GGF working group or portion thereof, Where the GFSG knows of rights, or claimed rights, the GGF secretariat shall attempt to obtain from the claimant of such rights, a written assurance that upon approval by the GFSG of the relevant GGF document(s), any party will be able to obtain the right to implement, use and distribute the technology or works when implementing, using or distributing technology based upon the specific specification(s) under openly specified, reasonable, non-discriminatory terms. The working group or research group proposing the use of the technology with respect to which the proprietary rights are claimed may assist the GGF secretariat in this effort. The results of this procedure shall not affect advancement of document, except that the GFSG may defer approval where a delay may facilitate the obtaining of such assurances. The results will, however, be recorded by the GGF Secretariat, and made available. The GFSG may also direct that a summary of the results be included in any GFD published containing the specification.
3 Session Agenda OGSA activity status update and future plan Tom Maguire and Hiro Kishimoto, co-chairs –What is OGSA Architecture –OGSA document status update –Interim meeting report –Guidelines –Works in progress Modeling Grid resources in OGSA Fred Maciel, Rsrc Mgmt Design Team Lead OGSA on WS-Management et. al. Glenn Wasson, University of Virginia.
4 What is OGSA Architecture Open service-oriented architecture –Based on Web services –Addressing Grid scenarios Component-oriented architecture –Interchangeable components Meta OS functionalities –Distributed and heterogeneous environment A rendering of these functions –Based on Web service architecture and specifications GGF’s flagship architecture and the blueprint for standard grid computing
5 OGSA Design Philosophy Service Oriented Architecture –Resources as First Class Entities Expressed as WSRF-Resource Properties –Data type extensibility and introspection –Dynamic service/resource creation and destruction Component-Based –Elements of the Architecture are pluggable Customizable –Support for dynamic, domain specific content,... –Within the same standardized framework
6 Information Services Infrastructure Services Self Mgmt Services Security Services Resource Mgmt Services Execution Mgmt Services Data Services Context Services
7 OGSA document structure Architecture Glossary Usecase document Scenario Service Description Information Profile Recommended Profile Actual specs consistent inform and guide inform and guide feedback refer Proposed recomendation informational OGSA-WG and fellow WG’s documents Documents produced By GGF WGs or other SDOs Root document Roadmap document
8 OGSA Activity History ~ 2004 Announced at GGF4 (’02/2) WG created (’02/9) GGF events and 12 more interim F2F meetings 2 regular weekly+ teleconferences (Mon & Wed) > 300 mailing list subscribers Declared as GGF’s flagship architecture at GGF10 (’04/3) OGSA Usecase document publication (’04/11) OGSA document v1 and glossary publication (’05/3)
9 Direction 2005 ~ 2004 –Focused on high-level abstract architecture document 2004 Dec. F2F meeting in Washington DC –Community needs “implementable specs” –Agree to start OGSA profile development 2005 first half –Mainly focus on low-level “profile” work –“OGSA WSRF Basic Profile 1.0” 2005 second half –Add middle-level work EMS architecture Information model for Grid Resource
10 Session Agenda OGSA activity status update and future plan Tom Maguire and Hiro Kishimoto, co-chairs –What is OGSA –OGSA documents status update –Interim meeting report –Guidelines –Works in progress
11 Defining the Grid: A Roadmap for OGSA™ Standards Purpose: –Clarify the meaning and role of OGSA standards –Provide a framework for managing future work –Identify documents, schedules and dependencies 6 informational documents 8 normative documents 3 recommended profiles –Document external activity: Opportunities for collaboration Contributory work Published as GFD.053 (’05/9) –Publish new versions regularly, at least annually
12 OGSA Profile Definition 1.0 Definition of “OGSA profile” –A profile specifies requirements on referenced specifications to improve interoperability –A profile has “conformance statements” and “extension points” –3 types of profile Informational profile Recommended Profile as Proposed Recommendation Recommended Profile as Grid Recommendation Enters 30-day public comment period –Please read and comment through GGF web site –Public comment review will end October 30
13 OGSA WSRF Basic Profile 1.0 Extension of WS-I Basic Profile 1.1 Includes protocol requirements for –Exposing state, lifetime management, notifications Submitted to Editor in September –Will start public comment period soon! Security session is Separated out –“Secure channel” and “anonymous channel” profile are under development –OGSA WSRF Basic Profile is combinable with any of OGSA Basic Security Profiles
14 Session Agenda OGSA activity status update and future plan Tom Maguire and Hiro Kishimoto, co-chairs –What is OGSA –OGSA documents status update –Interim meeting report –Guidelines –Works in progress
15 OGSA-WG and fellow WGs F2F meeting Repeating very successful London meeting (’05/5) Multiple WGs get together –Open discussion and joint review –Synchronize with each other –Identify and prioritize generic issues Week of August 15 (4.5 days) at SF Bay Area –9 WG OGSA, OGSA-Authz, OGSA-BES, OGSA-ByteIO, OGSA-naming, OGSA-RSS, JSDL, CDDLM, ACS –92 man-day + dial-ins
16 EMS: Collaborative Work Example Provisioning Deployment Configuration App. Contents Service Information Services Service Container Data Container Accounting Services Execution Planning Services Candidate Set Generator (Work -Resource mapping) Job Manager Reservation information EMS RSS BES CDDLM ACS JSDL GRAAP
17 OGSA standards schedule Base document Scenario Svc description Recommended Profile Recommendation Document OGSA-WG Architecture V1.0 OGSA-WG V1.5 OGSA-WG WSRF Basic Profile OGSA-ByteIO OGSA-BES ByteIO Basic Execution Service WS-Naming WS name resolution Left edge: public comment start, Right edge: GFD publication OGSA-Data Data architecture OGSA-ByteIO ByteIO Usecase OGSA-Naming Naming issues
18 Session Agenda OGSA activity status update and future plan Tom Maguire and Hiro Kishimoto, co-chairs –What is OGSA –OGSA documents status update –Interim meeting report –Guidelines –Works in progress
19 OGSA Evolution Policy Statement GFSG document approved on April 19 th –GridForge Editor project: “Author Guidelines” OGSA Profile Policy –Must build on the WS-I profiles –Must be consistent with the OGSA Architecture (GFD.30) Note –Profiles may be inconsistent with each other –Disadvantage is different Profiles may not interoperate without modification or adaptors –This is offset by the advantage of a greater degree of flexibility and innovation within OGSA and the GGF
20 OGSA related working group, research group and specification naming guideline GFSG document approved on May 5 th –GridForge Editor project: “Author Guidelines” OGSA prefixed group –Output should be consistent with the overall architecture –Synchronize activity with the OGSA-WG and other OGSA related WGs –Output should “build on top of” or “can be combined with” OGSA Profile or interface OGSA prefixed document –Should be consistent with the overall architecture –Should “build on top of” or “can be combined with” OGSA Profile or interface
21 OGSA™ trademark usage guideline “OGSA” is a trademark and servicemark of GGF –Trademark: e.g OGSA™ standards, OGSA™ roadmap –Servicemark: e.g. OGSA SM workshop –Not yet “registered” or ® No official guideline by GFSG at this moment OGSA-WG’s current usage guideline –Use the (tm) or (sm) marks on first mention only, drop the marks afterwards –Add a “trademark” section on the front page mentioning "OGSA is a trademark of the GGF“ –Use it as a proper adjective
22 Session Agenda OGSA activity status update and future plan Tom Maguire and Hiro Kishimoto, co-chairs –What is OGSA –OGSA documents status update –Interim meeting report –Guidelines –Works in progress
23 OGSA 1.5 and Glossary 1.5 Revise and update OGSA 1.0 & Glossary reflecting –OGSA profile concept –Progress by GGF WGs, OASIS TCs, etc. Resolve outstanding tracker items Early draft review this week Ready for public comment review in December
24 OGSA Basic Security Profiles Extension of WS-I Basic Security Profile 1.0 and SAML Token Profile 1.0 Combinable with OGSA WSRF Basic Profile 1.0 Secure Channel –Mandate mutual authentication –Mandate TLS and optional MLS (under discussion) –“Key information exchange” mini spec Anonymous Channel –For services which does not need authenticated communication E.g, the grid and its users are contained within a single enterprise protected by a firewall Become available in October or November
25 EMS Architecture Articulate key services in Execution Management Service (EMS) with related WGs Typical scenarios and service description for each service OGSA-RSS WG –Execution Planning Service (ESP) –Candidate Set Generator (CSG) CDDLM WG & ACS WG –Application deployment and configuration for job execution GRAAP WG –Use WS-Agreement spec within EMS OGSA-WG session #2 –Monday Stuart room
26 Modeling Grid resources in OGSA Information model and data model work "Rules of Engagement" + "Guidelines" document –Role of the RM design team/DMTF –Relationship to other GGF WGs for information/data models CIM profile pilot-study for Grid resources in OGSA –BES container as an example Coming next Fred’s presentation will give more
27 Q&A