1 One to One Tuition Network Meeting Thursday 3rd February 14:00 – 16:00 Rosemoor Gardens
2 One to One Tuition Programme Update ,816 tuition places 3,281 places started (31st Jan 2011) Next deadline for entry of tutored pupil details on DfE data collection site: Wednesday 2nd March 2011 Summer term deadline: Wednesday 25 th May 2011
3 Targeting priority groups for tuition Children in care Free school meals English as an additional language Please note: Additional funding is available for any children in care that have joined a school since April 2010.
and beyond The Pupil Premium: Allocated to those pupils eligible for FSM An additional £430 for each pupil Schools free to spend it on strategies “that they know will support their pupils to increase their attainment” Funding will be passed straight to schools Schools will be required to report to parents annually about how they have used the Pupil Premium Changes to performance tables to reflect the attainment of pupils attracting the premium Dedicated schools grant: Funding for 1:1 tuition will be mainstreamed. Ring-fencing of funds removed.
5 Sharing effective teaching strategies and resources Elly Babbedge – Primary Literacy Consultant Sue Madgwick – Secondary Maths Adviser
6 What are the challenges for boys?
7 What makes a difference for boys?
8 Findings from research Teaching sequences and outcomes: the teacher needs to allow more time to explore really engaging texts. The genre is not the issue, its how teachers engage boys with the text reflective talk drama and ICT are key tools boys need a fast pace and short term goals boys appreciate challenges, mystery, problem solving ICT needs to be integrated throughout the sequence as ‘mini outcomes’ visual literacy has been proven to have a key role in raising standards for boys writing.
9 Teaching strategies: Have clear objectives ‘banish invisible goals’ boys need immediate, clear and relevant feedback on their writing boys need opportunities to discuss, listen and reflect during the writing process talk before writing is key talk for writing during the capturing ideas phase has been found to be crucial for boys boys need to write as experts the companionship of each other as writers is key for boys as is the mutual respect of teacher and pupil as writers developing writing journals can be significant
10 What does effective tuition look like? Progression Interaction Engagement Reflection Totally personalised tuition
11 Pedagogy of personalised learning – effective tutoring matrix FocussingDevelopingEstablishingEnhancing Engagement Interaction Progression Reflection
12 Using video-conferencing to support the CPD of tutors and encourage collaboration between schools
13 Using 1:1 tuition to support KS2/3 transition Additional 1:1 places will be available to support KS2/3 transition during the summer term/holidays Priority will be given to the following: -Vulnerable groups -KS2 pupils who have not previously received 1:1 tuition If your school would like to be considered for additional places to support transition please contact me
14 The Devon 121 wiki for tutors A place for tutors to share ideas and resources after today’s meeting.
15 Contact details: Emma Hitchins Programme lead for One-to-one Tuition E mail: Tel: Further information: Click on ‘Curriculum’ to access the ‘1 to 1 tuition folder’