Work Package 3 FixO3 “label” FixO3 General Assembly October 2014, Heraklion-CRETE Jean-Francois Rolin, George Petihakis IFREMER, HCMR
Task 3.3: FixO3 “label” IFREMER (Lead); NERC, OGS, UAzores, (M0 – M48) This task will define the FixO3 label for offshore platforms in compliance with other normative efforts (EU projects SeaDataNet & MyOcean, EU initiative EMODNet) COPERNICUS from 2014). It will develop a list of FixO3 label requirements in terms of variables measured, the frequency of measurement, quality control of data as well as assured sustainability. It will ensure a wide publicity by using the tools offered in WP8 (Outreach and Training), in order to reach the fixed- point observatory community outside FixO3. WP3 – Procedural Harmonisation Task 3.3: FixO3 “label”
WP3 – Procedural Harmonisation Task 3.3: FixO3 “label”
A synthesis but not only Label definition Rules Applied Nomination Protection Update Mitigating measures Environmental impact Recommendations – coastal buoys – Life cycle and tests – Metrology, calibration Label definition Rules Applied Nomination Protection Update Mitigating measures Environmental impact Recommendations – coastal buoys – Life cycle and tests – Metrology, calibration Life cycle and tests Deep sea stations – Communication – Interoperability – Corrosion assessment Life cycle and tests Deep sea stations – Communication – Interoperability – Corrosion assessment JERICO LABEL ESONET LABEL Data management policy (WP4 and coordination) Deep sea mooring according to TNA experience Sensor interfaces (WP4) Data management policy (WP4 and coordination) Deep sea mooring according to TNA experience Sensor interfaces (WP4) New Issues FixO3 LABEL
Timeline First version M16 Task 7.3 (Ensure interface with ESONET-EMSO label consortium) Deliverable M18 EMSO ERIC may use FixO3 label as rules for mandatory items Specification for common procurement Task 7.3 (Ensure interface with ESONET-EMSO label consortium) Deliverable M18 EMSO ERIC may use FixO3 label as rules for mandatory items Specification for common procurement FixO3 must test the recommendations Final version M36