eLearning across a Deanery Dr Emad George Associate Dean for SAS Doctors East of England Multi-Professional Deanery
Engaging SAS Doctors challenging How do we promote active participation? How do we highlight Deanery role? How do we use SAS Funds for all? Introduction
From discussion with SAS Tutors Identified need for generic skills in areas of effectiveness & leadership Skills transferrable to managerial and supervisor roles Plan
Decided on making specific eLearning modules available to all SAS Doctors in the EoE Carrot of 2 hours of free CPD So..
MIAD Learning Bank Selected 4 modules Available online for 12 weeks Would only pay for those who registered to do modules Hope to get 40-50% uptake
Support Individual s with login details to each doctor Reminder s Regular feedback to Deanery re numbers participating
The Modules Personal Effectiveness Influencing Assertively Understanding Clinical Leadership Working with Others
Participation 1051 individual licences available 535 individuals registered to use one or more modules 51% of all individuals
Modules completed by those who registered CompletedNo% of 535 who registered % of 1051 available to
Engagement by Trusts Range of licences issued1-71 Range of use0%-100% Median use53%
Module Completion Signed inComplete% Complete Influencing Assertively % Personal Effectiveness % Understanding Clinical Leadership % Working with Others %
Module Feedback (%) EngagingInterestingRelevantIncreased Knowledge Influencing Assertively Personal Effectiveness Understanding Clinical Leadership Working with Others
Written feedback “Topics need to be addressed in groups” “Prefer hands on learning to sitting at a PC” “These are areas I am already aware of” “Difficult language..if not brought up in UK”
And.. “You don’t need a course to learn this stuff. If you don’t know it anyway you’re not much of a clinician really.”
“Very interesting and useful” “Very useful….engaging & easy to remember” “Good introduction” “Nice use of practical scenarios” However..
Conclusions eLearning has some advantages to some but not for others (to be expected) Better level of registration than expected
Conclusions The “engaged third” evidenced You can’t keep all of the people happy all of the time! But it is worth trying!
Thank you