Introducing the AS and A Level Changes Marie Jones, Subject Specialist for Music, OCR
Music Subject Specialist – Marie Jones Music Subject Specialist and lead for Music GQ Reform Formerly music teacher, HoD, secondary school and FE college Role: To support the live qualifications To lead development of the reform qualifications
Jargon Buster NEA – Non-Examined Assessment (coursework!) Examined Assessment Component – unit/section SAMs – Sample Assessment Materials AO – Assessment Objective SC – Subject Content
At a glance Revised subject content by the DfE Revised assessment objectives, weightings and assessment regulations by Ofqual Main area of change is the increase of examined assessment to 40% of the qualifications with 60% NEA Emphasis on increasing challenge and demand across the range
Assessment Objectives GCE AS A Level AO1: Interpret musical ideas through performing, with technical and expressive control and an understanding of style and context. 30% % AO2: Create, develop and refine musical ideas with technical and expressive control and coherence. 30% % AO3: Demonstrate and apply musical knowledge 25%30% AO4: Use appraising skills to make evaluative and critical judgements about music 15%10%
Assessment of AS Music 60% Non-Examined Assessment40% Exam (written) Performance (AO1) 30% Performances: 6 mins TOTAL duration Solo, ensemble, or both Externally assessed Composition (AO2) 30% 2 Compositions: 4.5 mins TOTAL duration 1 must be to a board set brief Externally assessed AO3 25% AO4 15%
Assessment of A Level Music 60% Non-Examined Assessment 40% Exam (written) Performance (AO1) Solo, ensemble, or both 25% 6 mins TOTAL duration 30% 8 mins TOTAL duration 35% 10 mins TOTAL duration Composition (AO2) 25% 2 Compositions: 4 mins TOTAL duration 1 must be to a board set brief 30% 2 compositions 6 mins TOTAL 1 must be to a board set brief 35% 3 compositions 8 mins TOTAL 1 to a board set brief AO3 30% AO4 10%
OCR AS and A Level Music Clear and accessible options for all instrument players, whether classical or contemporary, including music technologists. Integration of skills of performing, composing and listening to create a fully immersive learning experience. We have worked closely with teachers, learners and other stakeholders to ensure creation of an exciting qualification. Variety of interactive and flexible digital and physical resources for teachers. Two pathways through the A Level qualification to enable learners to specialise in either performance or composition.
The Vision Increase post 14 uptake of music studies Contemporary, accessible, creative Clear progression Support, resources and training central to success of our qualifications Integration – Listening, Performing, Composing Options Clear pathways for technology students Clear progression Involve teachers and stakeholders
Areas Of Study 1.Instrumental Music of Haydn, Mozart and Beethoven 2.Popular Song: Blues, Jazz, Swing and Big Band 3.Developments in Instrumental Jazz 1910 to the present day 4.Religious Music of the Baroque Era 5.Programme Music 1820 – Innovations in Music 1900 to the present day
AS Components
Structure of exam - AS
A Level Components
Structure of Exam – A Level
The Vision - Support and Resources Communication – Subject Specialist Clear specifications Support - CPD Physical Resources Digital Resources
Support and resources Downloadable Documents Delivery guides Lesson Elements Topic Exploration Packs Transition Guides Co-Teachability Guides Free half-day Expos around the country June-July 2015: London Manchester Birmingham Leeds Newcastle Leicester Exeter If you missed these, training on the new specifications will be free of charge for the next academic year.
Resources Online Now
THANK YOU For any support with reform or current music qualifications please contact Marie Jones: for courses and events, also downloadable materials from previous events reform/teaching-and-learning-resources - for support and resources on reform qualifications reform/teaching-and-learning-resources Music Community - The social network is a free platform where teachers can engage with each other – and with us – to find and offer guidance, discover and share ideas, best practice and a range of Music support materials. To sign up, go to