Annual National Health Research Forum Ministry of Health 14 March 2013
Contents I. Review of Activities in II. Activities in
I. Review of Activities in (Work plan ) A. Activities implemented 1.Review of Research Proposals
Review of Activities in A. Activities implemented
2. Organize Ethics Committee meetings NH-IRB meeting: 2 regular meetings & 1 ad hoc meeting NH-REC meetings: 2 regular meetings & 1 ad hoc meeting
Review of Activities in A. Activities implemented 3. Organize Resource Mobilization Meeting with stakeholders 30 partners/stakeholders attended Some funding for activities were pledged
Review of Activities in A. Activities implemented 4. Organize Research Forum First National Research Forum was organized in September 2012 where 6 research reports were presented and 70 participants attended Second National Research Forum is organized in March 2013
Review of Activities in A. Activities implemented 5. Train district health staff on Operational Research(OR) A 4-day training course was conducted where 40 participants attended and proposals were submitted
B. Activities not implemented 1. Conduct supervisory visit for 50% research studies approved by the Ethic Committee Budget received in September 2012 and could not conduct due to competing priorities 2. Recruit 2 staff members for Research Coordination Unit at central level Staff member were recruited according to HR and Finance policy.
Work plan Implemented activities 9 Objective achieved 7Objective partly achieved 2 Activities planned- 11 Implemented 9Not implemented 2
II. Planned activities in A. Routine activities ItemEstimated budget (Maloti) 1)Review of research proposals Nil 2) Organize NH-IRB and NH-REC meetings ) Supervisory visits ) Organize Annual National Health Research Forum (Sep. & Mar.) 48000
Planned activities in B. Additional activities Item Estimated Budget 5) Formation of institutional review boards (Local IRBs) in large health facilities and academic institutions. TBD 6) Organise a training workshop for teaching staff to develop and harmonize curricular in health research. TBD 7) Establish a documentation centre with traditional library and strengthen the electronic database at the MOH. TBD 8) TA for development of Annual Research Agenda and costing of National Strategic Plan and research agenda. TBD 9) Organize short term trainings in the research-related topics targeting staff at the district levels (30 persons x 4 days x 3 courses); TA and/or training cost. a.Training on “Conduct operational research” for 1 course b.Training on “Qualitative research” for 2 courses TBD
Planned activities in B. Additional activities ItemEstimated budget 10) Conduct operational research at district levelTBD 11) Organize training on the review of research proposals to increase the pool of potential member of the NIRB and NREC to at least 50. TBD 12)Increase the quantity and quality of permanent staff at the MOH RCU. TBD 13) Enrol staff members in long-term post graduated trainings (Masters, PhD) in health research related fields (biostatistics, epidemiology, clinical trials and other basic sciences). TBD
OR Topics Proposed by Districts contd. Sr. #DistrictTopic 1BOTHA- BOTHE & MOKHOTLONG The factors contributing to home deliveries in Botha-Bothe & Mokhotlong district 2MAFETENG HOSPITALStudy on waiting time for diabetic patients at Mafeteng Hospital OPD 3Central (Headquarters office) The performance of staff at health headquarters 4Scott HospitalFactors leading to reluctance of clients to attend OPD services at Scott Hospital 5Leribe DistrictClient satisfaction at Motebang Hospital with OPD service integration
OR Topics Submited by Districts Sr. #DistrictTopic 6BereaClients satisfaction OPD Berea 7QACHA’SNEKReasons why mothers do not bring under 1 children for immunization in Qacha’s Nek. 8Thaba-TsekaStudy on barriers to EPI activities in children under one year 9QuthingFactors that contribute to high number of unimmunized 0-11 months children in Quthing