African Centre for Statistics United Nations Economic Commission for Africa Implementation of the Conclusions and Recommendations of the AGNA Economic Statistics and National Accounts Section African Centre for Statistics Meeting of the AGNA April 2016
African Centre for Statistics Outline of the Presentation I. Review of the Conclusions and Recommendations (C&R) of the African Group on National Accounts (AGNA), May 2015, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
African Centre for Statistics Status of Implementation C&R of the AGNA, May 2015 Leading Organizations Recommendations Status of Implementation Comments Member States 1. Countries without national action plans will finalize their national action plans within the next 6 months, by 30 November Ongoing 7 MSs completed action plan 2. Countries that have compiled national action plans will take follow-up actions to change over to the 2008 SNA. Ongoing 3. Upon finalization, countries are encouraged to utilize the formulated national action plan template and technical targets to facilitate the compilation of national action plans. Ongoing 7 MSs completed action plan
African Centre for Statistics Status of Implementation C&R of the AGNA, May 2015 Leading Organizations Recommendations Status of Implementation Comments Pan-African Institutions 1. The Secretariat will finalize the national action plan template and technical targets, one week after the meeting, according to the suggestions of the group discussions. Completed 2. Pan-African Institutions and development partners will provide technical assistance to support countries develop their national action plans, upon request. Ongoing 5 TA Missions in September ECA will assist in reviewing and validating the finalized national action plans.Ongoing 8 national action plans reviewed 4. AfDB will continue to provide technical assistance and training on national accounts.Ongoing 5. AUC will take the lead to organize training workshops on country adapted IT Tools for the compilation of national accounts. Ongoing AUC-RECs workshops, April 2016.
African Centre for Statistics Status of Implementation C&R of the AGNA, May 2015 Leading Organizations Recommendations Status of Implementation Comments Pan-African Institutions 6. AUC in collaboration with Afristat, INSEE, and Eurostat will provide training on national accounts and ERETES, upon the request of countries. 7. ECA will further consult, including a global consultation, in order to finalize and publish the Guidebook on Administrative Data and the Handbook on Supply and Use Table. Ongoing Drafts of the guidebooks prepared 8. ECA will further develop, including a global consultation, in order to finalize the Guidebook on Informal Sector. Ongoing Draft of the guidebook prepared 9. Upon request, AUC will engage in an advocacy campaign to assist countries in launching finalized national action plans. Ongoing 10. ECA will support the preparation of relevant advocacy materials.Ongoing Brochure and poster developed and website revamped 11. Pan-African Institutions along with Afristat, RECs, and Member States will organize a donor roundtable meeting. CompletedNovember 2015
African Centre for Statistics Status of Implementation C&R of the AGNA, May 2015 Leading Organizations Recommendations Status of Implementation Comments Regional Economic Communities (RECs) 1. RECs will support institutional strengthening and advocacy efforts in the development and implementation of national action plans in their respective Member States. Ongoing AUC-RECs workshops, April RECs will monitor the progress of their Member States. Ongoing RECs focal point to be identified 3. RECs are encouraged to request additional (technical and financial) support to strengthen their capacity.Ongoing 4. Afristat will develop a Guidebook on Backcasting for the Africa region.Ongoing To be competed in 2016
African Centre for Statistics Status of Implementation C&R of the AGNA, May 2015 Leading Organizations Recommendations Status of Implementation Comments International Organizations 1. IMF, UNSD, and World Bank, in collaboration with pan- African Institutions, will continue to provide and coordinate technical assistance in support of the African Project on the Implementation of the 2008 SNA using existing mechanisms. Ongoing 2. IMF, UNSD, and World Bank, in collaboration with pan- African Institutions, will continue to provide and coordinate advocacy in support of the African Project on the implementation of the 2008 SNA using existing mechanisms. Ongoing
African Centre for Statistics United Nations Economic Commission for Africa Thank you!