1 Mark Dunlop My view of Information Retrieval Current research topics Some future directions
Risø 29/1/1999http:// My view of basic IR
Risø 29/1/1999http:// Current research topics IR oriented Using additional information to enhance queries Expected Search Duration evaluation model Evaluation in general HCI oriented Usability of mobile computing devices
Risø 29/1/1999http:// Enhancing queries Use of contextual info My thesis Vassillis Harmandas’s WIRE system Theodore Dalamagas’s HIM system Cross session/historic info Robert Villa’s PhD
Risø 29/1/1999http:// Simple thesis model
Risø 29/1/1999http:// WIRE
Risø 29/1/1999http:// HIM
Risø 29/1/1999http:// Expected Search Duration Aims to predict time to complete stereotypical search tasks add user interface aspects to the test-collection (TC) evaluation approach Built on combining expanded versions of Cooper’s Expected Search Length TC measure Green and Benyon’s ERMIA interface modelling Future: test predictions and “package”
Risø 29/1/1999http:// ERMIA model of Alta Vista
Risø 29/1/1999http:// Sample ESD graph
Risø 29/1/1999http:// Evaluation Mira (CEU funded working group) Organisation of workshops and conference Experiments with Steve Draper on testing different classic HCI evaluation approaches Gauguin Potential follow on bid for EU network
Risø 29/1/1999http:// Mobile Computing 1 Paraglide - newly funded EPSRC project Palm held anaesthesia record assistant Design & evaluation of gestural interfaces Use of contextual analysis to limit input space With Phil Gray and Martin Gardner Ramblin Gumption - moving understanding Developing grant bid on novel input techniques for “limited display devices” With Phil Gray and Steve Brewster
Risø 29/1/1999http:// Mobile Computing 2 Undergraduate projects Alphasliders Starfield displays Dictionary aided text entry on a mobile phone Mobile workshops Glasgow 98 INTERACT 99
Risø 29/1/1999http:// Additional future directions Developing an encompassing model of contextual information Personal info/contexts/descriptions? Transparent use of context info (e.g. open documents) ? Robert’s historical info? Bringing authors into the evaluation process Applying HCI theories in IR Embedding IR in devices