Capstone Design Project - 1 / 11 Project Proposal ● Built-up-type RC car with augmented reality 정윤용 ( , ) 이석동 ( , ) 손영준 ( , ) Department of Electronic Engineering Incheon National University
Capstone Design Project - 2 / 11 Contents Motivation Theoretical Background Team Milestone – Gantt Chart Budget References
Capstone Design Project - 3 / 11 Motivation Historical Background Nowadays, many Augmented Reality contents are released through advertisement. Many electronic toys are also developed and released. But there are no products about electronic toy included augmented reality manual. So we'll make built-up-type RC car what contain augmented reality built-up manual for causing interest. And then we will add AR mobile game when kids complete the built-up RC car following manual. When kids make RC car they use their eyes and hands together. It will cause development of fine motor skills, brain and space perception ability. Why the Project is Required AR project prospect is bright. AR can offer extra information for toys, medical device, equipment for industry and repairing complex equipment through only smart device like a smart phone. It will give us a soft life and easy living
Capstone Design Project - 4 / 11 Smart Phone Theoretical Background Block Diagram RC Car Application Control with bluetooth AR ManualView
Capstone Design Project - 5 / 11 Team Roles of Team Members MemberRolesUsing IDE Tools 정윤용 Design the virtual object media Design remote control application for RC car Unity Blender Android studio 이석동 Architect the RC car Design augmented reality application Atmel studio Android studio 손영준 Design AVR source code for RC car Design application for communication between AVR and smart phone Atmel studio Android studio
Capstone Design Project - 6 / 11 Milestone – Gantt Chart A List of Tasks Build a RC car Build car Atmega’s Motor control with Atmel Motor control Augmented reality implementation AR Control RC car with Android app Android app Make prototype of our project prototype Make final type of our goal Final type
Capstone Design Project - 7 / 11 Milestone – Gantt Chart Schedule Objective ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 6.14 Build car Motor control AR Android app Make prototype Final type Final report
Capstone Design Project - 8 / 11 Budget Required Equipment & Material Required Equipment & Materialpreparing status Android studio, Atmel studio, Vuforia, Unity, BlenderPrepared Atmega128(JMOD-128-base), etc-kitPrepared Stepping motor & driverPrepared Wheels, 12~24V batteries, radiator for motor driverPlan purchase Block for RC carPlan purchase Android tablet pc for performanceLooking for rental place
Capstone Design Project - 9 / 11 References Android studio developer Motor manual =>Model : SE-SM243 Vuforia Augmented Reality developer Unity developer