ISM Code Familiarization For the Offshore industry
Contents of the familiarization The ISM code what is it ? How to implement it ? Objectives of the code Safety Management System « the SMS » Why such a code ? Russian
The SMS How to reduce risks from human being Why doing that only today (2000) What means trading internationally Result of our study 12 Main causes of human error in maritime desaster 12 mandatory corrective actions Which benefit can we get from ISM conformity Content of a SMS Russian
ISM Code : WHAT IS IT ? The ISM Code, or International Safety Management Code, is: An international instrument carried out by the International Maritime Organisation ( IMO) with the objectives of ensuring safety at sea by prevention of body injuries, ship’s damage and pollution of environment, especially the marine environment.
How to implement it ? The ISM code organizes the management of safety and pollution prevention inside a system called Safety Management system or SMS. It applies to all SOLAS SHIPS operating internationally and the MODU (Mobile Offshore Drilling Units) as well as Self propelled units engaged in an international business Implementation carried out before July 2002
To ensure safety at sea, prevention of human injury or loss of life and avoidance damage to the environment in particular to the marine environment and damage to property Objectives of the code
To reach these objectives, the Code requires to implement a Safety Management System in the Company which includes: - A Company’s safety and environment protection policy - A definition of everybody’s responsibility in the Company and onboard the MODU - Practical measures to deal with this management of safety The SMS
Why such a code ? While the global fleet is continuously increasing by number of ships, their size and lives embarked or dangerous goods transported.. …This code is an attempt to reduce the number of maritime accidents which are mainly provoked by human errors
How to reduce the risk of human error ? By requiring a minimum organisation of the company and the unit By requiring minimum actions inside a mangement system By ensuring finally an improvement of the safety culture of those going at sea
Why doing that today? (years 2000) After the results of the HOFE’s disaster (Herald of Free Enterprise), IMO and the maritime industry have proposed via the human factor working group… A code for safe management of shipping (companies and ships) the ISM code with the current limitation: More than 500 GT and trading at international level
What means trading at international level ? Working in international waters or in waters under the juridiction of a different state than the flag state of the ship or the MODU
Results of the study 12 weaknesses have been detected:
Main causes of human error in maritime accidents 1-lack of Safety and environmental protection policy within the maritime companies & their ships 2- Systematic lack of analysis of the risks involved within the maritime activities 3-Lack of evaluation of critical elements or systems on board ships or MODUs
More weak points 4-Failure to define the responsibilities ashore 5-Lack of personnel competency at all levels ashore and aboard 6-Lack of complete written operational procedures on board
7- lack of general preparation to deal with the emergencies situations happening on board ships 8-lack of human contacts between the ship’s and shore personnel 9-lack of documentation and up dating, particularly on board ships More causes of the ISM code
More weak points 10-lack of systematic exploitation of the experience feedback 11-lack of planning and follow-up of the maintenance of the ship and equipment 12 - lack of internal verifications and reviews
More weaknesses 10-lack of systematic exploitation of the experience feedback 11-lack of planning and follow-up of the maintenance of the ship and equipment 12 - lack of internal controls and checks
In order to rectify The ISM code set up 12 mandatory correctives actions The 12 correctives actions of the ISM code
1- A clearly defined policy within a SMS with a clear definition of responsibilities from the top to the bottom of the hierarchy. 2- A system of procedures covering all ship’s operations 3- A system of identification, evaluation of risks in operation in shipboard activities
4- A system of identification of the ship’s critical equipment or systems and associated measures to improve their reliability 5- An integrated system of response for emergencies applicable to company & ships or MODUs 6- A system of planned maintenance and inspections of the ships
7- An operating system of feedback in all our activities 8- A management system for maritime documentation and its up dating 9- A communication system aboard and ashore
10- A system of evaluation of knowledge and continuous training for crews 11 A system of auto-control by internal inspections and audits in order to measure the progres gained and to review the SMS if necessary 12 An external control deciding a compulsory international recognition: the ISM certification by the flag !
Originality of the ISM code In order to ensure a communication between the unit and the top management The ISM code has invented the DPA (designated Person Ashore) Which has a role of transmission but not only… … It has a rôle of monitoring: adequate ressource is provided to the crew and facilitator in case of conflict with middle executives
HOW a SMS WORKS ? In a SMS we : Specify and write what must be done: manuals, planning, orders Do what is written : procedures, check-lists, instructions, Write what has just been done : recording
Then Control regularly what must be done : patrols, inspections and audits Correct defects, errors, omissions : corrective actions Report and analyze incidents/accidents or near- misses in order to prevent that they do not happen again In an unique goal : improvement in Safety, our safety!
WHICH BENEFITS CAN WE GET FROM an ISM CONFORMITY ? To develop a Safety Culture in the Company and on board To obtain contracts : to day, the customer requires ISM Certification all along the oil production chain To preserve the confidence of our customers: Safety and Quality are company’s images to improve the results of our insurance contracts because of the reduction of risks for the insurance company (reduction of premium!)
More benefit To remain competitive in a difficult market where competition is severe To reduce our risks of accidents with their consequences: For our crews: loss of lives and injuries For our environment: marine pollution
Which benefit for ISM conformity ? For any Company to-day, it is very hard to survive after a major accident: Enormous media impact Immediate loss of customers Enormous compensation fines
ELEMENTS to be memorized absolutely - Practical definition of the ISM Code - Content of our SMS
DEFINITION of the ISM Code It is an international mandatory tool for the prevention of accidents at sea, which consists basically in a management of the human resources in an offshore company, either in the shore-based services or aboard each unit
For that purpose, the ISM code establishes, inside a SMS ( Safety Management System), the framework for an improvable reduction program of risks generated by the human activities. dealing with safety matters and pollution prevention.
CONTENT of OUR SMS 1) A definition of clear and measurable objectives (code §1.2) for prevention of accidents, developed in a commitment Safety and Environment protection policy (§ 1.2.2) including safe practices in ship operations and a safe working environment as well as continuous improvement of safety management skills of personnel ashore and aboard ships and ensuring compliance with mandatory rules while taking into account codes, recommendations or guidelines of IMO, ILO, Class, flag and/or the industry which concern its activities (§1.2.3)
2-An identification and assessment of risks (§ ) to its ships, personnel and the environment pertaining to its activities in order to issue and implement suitable risk reduction measures in the framework of a Ship Occupational Health and Safety Programme (SOHSP) which includes a systematic formal assessment of its implementation in order to ensure a continuous improvement in an accident prevention culture.
3-The involvement of the hierarchy (leadership) jointly with a definition of responsibilities (code §3) of all persons, ashore as well as aboard, dealing with safety and pollution prevention in ship’s management, particularly for the Ship’s Master (§5) which must follow SOLAS & MLC requirements concerning his assignment and must includes the effective participation of all employees ashore or aboard via the SOHSP.
4-The designation (§4) of one, or more, qualified and trained person(s) ashore (called DPAs), in charge of monitoring the safety and pollution prevention aspects of each ship’s operations mainly by managing the company’s SMS. This person(s) being also the interface between the company management highest level and the persons on board ships. In addition, this DPA ensures that adequate resources and shore-based support as required by ships are supplied by the Company mainly by monitoring and mediation with company’s departments directors when necessary. 4
5-Ensures each company’s ship is adequately manned in order to encompass all aspects of maintaining safe operations on board with qualified and medically- fit seafarers recruited in conformity with national and international requirements such as the STCW convention, establishes familiarization procedures with the ship, her equipment, her operations and the management of crew’s and other staff’s safety qualifications, including in the ISM Code and the Company’s SMS, as well as its participation to the SOHSP via a continuous training plan aboard the ship, as well as ashore for involved personnel, which includes the adequate renewal of the certificates of competency. 5
6-The establishment of the shipboard operational procedures, plans & instructions (§7) relating to safety of personnel, the ship and protection of the environment (waste, energy efficiency, ballast water management plans, SOPEP etc…) The associated tasks of each qualified person on board ships should include a job safety analysis of the function in the aim to set up a continuous improvement of the SOHSP. In case of third party personnel employment, it must be informed of the applicable company’s requirements and must follow them. 6
7-An aboard and ashore organization for emergency situation preparedness of the master, the crew and the company (§8): muster lists, preparation of damage control plan or co-operation plan for passenger ships (when required) plus training for crew, shore personnel and shore-based crisis cells mainly by performing periodical drills and exercises via an integrated system of contingency planning following the IMO recommendations for shipboard emergencies. 7-
8-The report and analysis (with formal internal investigation when needed) of any non-conformity, accidents or near-miss (§9) including the management of the company’s experience feed-back in order to improve safety and pollution prevention matters by implementing corrective and preventive actions as required. 8-
9-Up to dating, accurate and user friendly shipboard technical operating and maintenance manuals within a maintenance plan (§10) ensuring care, in conformity, at a minimum, with the standard required by the builders and the classification societies, and a continuous control (inspections) of the ship and equipment.
10-A management of the ship’s safety-critical equipment and the related specific measures for improving their reliability, in particular the preparation to operate them in a degraded status by issuing stand-by or replacement procedures in case of their sudden failure (§10.3). 10-
11- A management of an efficient routine or emergency internal communication ashore as well as aboard and between shore and ship (code § 4 & 6.7)
12-A control of the specific documentation (hardware or electronic) aboard as well as ashore and the organization of the “regulation watch” in the company (§11).
13-An organization of a self-verification of the SMS operation for the entire company (§12) by periodical activities such as inspections, internal audits, Master’s and Management’s periodical reviews) 13-
14-A management of a conformity certification process performed by the Flag Administration or a Recognized Organization on its behalf (ISM code Part B). 14-
NB: This study above is in conformity with the 2014 version of the ISM Code (in force ), the requirements of § 4.3 of the MLC convention 2006, the most recent IMO/MSC circulars on the implementation of the ISM code and the SOHSP as well as the other IMO or ILO instruments dealing with safety and pollution prevention from ships or units. NB
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