1 AFACT th AFACT StC Meeting AFACT Secretariat Report Report Mr. Gary Gong AFACT Secretariat Bangkok, Thailand August 8, 2007
2 AFACT 2 AFACT Update Promotional Activities AFACT Website AFACT Update Promotional Activities AFACT Website CONTENT
3 AFACT 3 Members AFACT StC Members Joint Working Group Chairs JWG Activities Current Structure of AFACT Hosting Members AFACT Update
4 AFACT 4 Members 2 Associate Members Update Australia India Indonesia Iran Pakistan Chinese Taipei Korea Japan Mongolia Malaysia P.R.C. Sri Lanka Philippines Thailand Singapore Vietnam Cambodia 18 Members Update Afghanistan P.R.C & Indonesia – no response or lost contact Mongolia & Australia – contact via regularly but less participation to the AFACT meetings eBusiness Asia CommitteeeBusiness Asia Committee PAAPAA
5 AFACT AFACT StC Members Javed Naushahi (Vice Chair, 2006 Hosting Member – Pakistan) Dr. Mahmood Zargar (Elected HoD – Iran ) Term: 2007~2008 Michael Fabian (Ph) (Elected HoD – Philippines ) Term: 2007~2008 Term: 2007~2008 T.A. Khan (UN/CEFACT Vice Chair – India) Sangwon Lim (UN/CEFACT Rapporteur for Asia – Korea) Anchalaporn Siriwan (Chair, 2007 Hosting Member– Thailand) Dr. Jyh-Sheng Ke (AFACT Secretariat – Chinese Taipei) Kim, Chun Seok (Vice Chair, 2008 Hosting Member– Korea)
6 AFACT 6 Joint Working Group Chairs JWGChairTerm FWG(ToR) Javed Naushahi (Pakistan) TWG(ToR) Acting Chair: K. Raffat Zaheer (Pakistan) ATG K.S. Kunmar (India) SCWG (ToR) Yong Jae Kim (Korea) XMLWG Karlson Hsia (Chinese Taipei) SWG (ToR) Perry Liu (Chinese Taipei) LWG(ToR) Zahid Usman Jamil (Pakistan) BCFWG Kamarudin Bin Tambi (Singapore) 2007~2008 AEG(ToR) Acting Chair: Kenji Itoh (Japan) 2007~2008 CWG Azhar Majeed Khalid (Pakistan) 2007~2008 IIC(ToR) Acting Chair: T. A. Khan (India) FWG AEG SCWG XML SWG LWG BCF AEG CWG
7 AFACT 7 Joint Working Group Activities Joint Working Groups Activities BCFECO project CustomsCustoms cross border project Supply ChaineTrust Mark Project eProcurement XMLGUI standards (XForms) for UNeDocs
8 AFACT 8 AFACT Structure
9 AFACT 9 Hosting Members Update Hosting Year Hosting Member 2008 Korea(Confirmed) 2009 India(Confirmed) 2010 Chinese Taipei (Confirmed) 2011 Philippines(TBC) 2012 Iran (TBC)
10 AFACT 10 Promotional Workshop Tour Promotional Material: 2007 AFACT Year Book Promotional Activities
11 AFACT 11 Promotional Workshop Tour Objectives: Objectives: To assist members to explore the latest development in eBusiness and Trade Facilitation To promote the name of AFACT To help build IT capacity Goal: Goal: To establish a joint project among members
12 AFACT 12 Promotional Workshop Tour Effective: 2007~2009 ; 1 time in 2 volunteering members per year Effective: 2007~2009 ; 1 time in 2 volunteering members per year Workshop duration: one week per tour Workshop duration: one week per tour Speakers: JWG Chairs or other experts Speakers: JWG Chairs or other experts Sponsorship: AFACT Secretariat and counterpart (volunteering members) Sponsorship: AFACT Secretariat and counterpart (volunteering members) AFACT Secretariat: International/local flight ticket fare, and lecturing fee of 2-3 speakers Counterpart: all the local cost of the workshop, accommodation and food of speakers, and local promotion of the workshop Currently Mongolia and Cambodia showed interests in hosting the training programs.
14 AFACT AFACT Year Book Preface 2007 AFACT Chairman2007 AFACT Chairman UN/CEFACT Vice ChairUN/CEFACT Vice Chair UN/CEFACT Rapporteur for AsiaUN/CEFACT Rapporteur for Asia AFACT SecretariatAFACT Secretariat Introduction to AFACT 2007 AFACT Organization 2007 Progress Reports (Members & Association Members) 2007 eASIA Award Success Stories Contact Information Meeting History TABLE OF CONTENT
15 AFACT AFACT Year Book Cambodia Chinese Taipei India Iran Japan Members progress reports Korea Pakistan Philippines Sri Lanka Thailand Associate Members Progress Reports Pan-Asian E-Commerce Alliance (PAA) eBusiness Asia Committee
16 AFACT 16 Viewers in 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 and 2007/Aug. 05 Service for Members AFACT Website
17 AFACT 17 AFACT Website % % % Comparing the accumulated Numbers of Viewers in 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, and 2007/Aug.05, it shows a significant growth pattern. Also, it indicates that more and more people refer to AFACT website every year and see it as a Resources Center %
18 AFACT 18 AFACT Website The statistics and analysis of the number of viewers Mumber of viewers till June 30, 2007 Average number of viewers per month
19 AFACT SERVICE Members Address USER ID Chinese Taipei Sri Lanka address and USER ID use lower case letter only address and USER ID use lower case letter only For password, please contact Ms. Wan Ju Weng at or For password, please contact Ms. Wan Ju Weng at or Mail Server: afact.org SMTP(O): afact.org POP3(I) : afact.org
20 AFACT 20 Thank you 謝謝 (Hsieh Hsieh)