Fables and Folktales Test Review
For this section, answer the following questions about figurative language.
What type of figurative language is being used in the following quote? “Green as a lime.”
What type of figurative language is being used in the following quote? “Every day from dawn till sunset I jumped about or sat in the sun, chirruping to my heart’s content.”
What type of figurative language is being used in the following quote? “My experiences are a bridge between my past and future.”
What did we read that used personification? How do you know?
“The Ant and the Grasshopper”
What type of figurative language is being used in the following quote? “I’m so hungry that I could eat an entire horse!”
What type of figurative language is being used in the following quote? “Peter Piper Picked a Peck of Pickled Peppers.”
For this section, answer the following questions about folklore vocabulary.
Name one difference between a modern and traditional fable or provide an example of each.
Traditional FableModern Fable Older than modern fablesNewer than traditional fables Often contain animal charactersOften contain human characters Usually shorterGenerally longer and more complex Moral is directly stated, usually at the end The moral is more subtle (not as obvious) and more complex; it is often implied Example: “The Ant and the Grasshopper” Example: “The Richer, the Poorer”
What is a proverb? Provide an example.
A one sentence saying that gives advice or teaches a lesson “The early bird gets the worm.” “ Two wrongs don’t make a right.” “In good times prepare for when the bad times come.”
What is the difference between a folktale and folklore?
Folklore: traditional beliefs, customs, stories, songs, and dances of the ordinary people (“the folk”) of a culture; the genre Folktale: a traditional story passed down orally long before being written down; generally anonymous
What is a myth?
A type of folktale that explains the actions of gods, heroes, the cause of natural occurrences, or explains how something came to be
What is a legend? Provide and example.
Legend: a traditional story that usually deals with a particular person, hero, saint, or national leader; reflect cultural values and include and element of truth Example: The Jersey Devil
For this section, use context clues to answer the following questions about story vocabulary. You may also need to identify the main idea of a passage.
She kept track of every penny and tried to live as frugally as possible so that she could save more.
Cheap, thrifty, economical
Passing her gleaming mirrors, at first with vague awareness, then with painful clarity, Lottie saw herself as others saw her and could not stand the sight.
Not clear
The thought of going to the beauty salon was a whim at first, but then it became a reality.
Impulse; spur of the moment
But at last Hera realized that Echo was doing this on purpose to detain her.
To hold back; delay
“He shall love himself and nobody else, and yet shall die of unrequited love!”
Not returned
“But the curse which Hera had placed upon her tied her tongue, and she could only follow wherever he went, hiding behind trees and feasting her eyes vainly upon him.”
Without result; useless
Identify the main idea of the following passage by selecting the best answer. Lottie hated being a child, hearing her parent’s skimping and scraping. Bess had never seemed to notice. All she ever wanted was to go outside and play. She learned to skate on borrowed skates. She rode a borrowed bicycle. Lottie couldn’t wait to grow up and buy herself the best of everything. a. Bess and Lottie have a lot in common. b. Although Bess and Lottie are related, Bess is more concerned with having fun and Lottie is more concerned with saving money. c. Lottie had a bad childhood. D. Bess and Lottie are very different.
B. Although Bess and Lottie are related, Bess is more concerned with having fun and Lottie is more concerned with saving money.
For this section, answer each question about the authors to the best of your ability.
Wrote, “The Richer, The Poorer”
Dorothy West
Told fables to advise, instruct, or win an argument
For this section, answer questions about “The Ant and the Grasshopper”
In which version was Grasshopper mean?
In the verse version.
What could be a moral for both “Ant and Grasshopper” stories?
Plan ahead.
Prose = ?
Verse = ?
Poem version
What does Ant represent in both fables?
He represents hard work
For this section, answer questions about “The Richer, The Poorer”
Lottie is the sister who ______________
saved all her money
Bess is the sister who
Lived each day like it was the last day of her life.
At the end of the story, what does Lottie regret the most?
Not living a life that she liked.
Describe Lottie
(Answers will vary)
Describe Bess
(Answers will vary)
For this final section, answer questions about “Echo and Narcissus.”
What natural occurrences are explained in this story?
- A reflection - A Narcissus flower - The echo
Who cursed Echo? What was the curse?
Hera She could only repeat what other people said.
What is the theme of the story? Explain.
Unrequited Love
Why did Aphrodite seek revenge on Narcissus? What was her revenge?
He scorned love by not returning Echo’s love. She cursed him by having him unknowingly fall in love with his own reflection.
For this final section, answer questions about “Orpheus, the Great Musician.”
How and why was Orpheus given a second chance with Eurydice?
Hades had a soft spot for Orpheus’ music. He allowed the spirit of Eurydice to follow him back to Earth if he simply trusts that she is behind him. He, unfortunately, fails and she is sent back to the underworld.
What is the theme of this story?
Don’t give up on love Love is rewarded
For this final section, answer questions about “The Minotaur: Beast of the Labyrinth.”
What natural occurrence is explained or what came to be in this myth?
It explains the naming of the Aegean Sea.
How was Theseus able to escape the Minotaur?
Ariadne spoke to Daedalus (the creator of the labyrinth) to discover how to defeat the Minotaur. Theseus knew to pierce the Minotaur’s brain with his own horns and to unravel a string to help escape the labyrinth
Be sure to review “Brer Lion, Brer Rabbit” as well!