英國文化 程其蘅 中華民國九十九年十月十一日 彰化師範大學
英國文化 ─1 文化的定義 – 語言 – 文學 – 政府制度 – 宗教 – 社會現象 – 其他 隨時間與周遭事物互動產生之結果
英國地理環境 與周邊國家 日不落國 移民 大英國協 Realm
什麼是我們的文化 中華文化 台灣文化 原住民文化
英國文化 ─2 英國 (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Island) – 英格蘭 (England) – 蘇格蘭 (Scotland)-1707 – 北愛爾蘭 (Northern Ireland)-1801/1921 – 威爾斯 (Wales) – 外島
英國 in English United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Island Great Britain United Kingdom England
英國政府制度 皇室 (Monarchy)/ 司法 上議院 (House of Lords)/ 司法 下議院 (House of Commons)
英國國旗 英格蘭 St. GeorgeRoseLion 蘇格蘭 St. AndrewThistleRampant Lion/ unicorn 愛爾蘭 St. PatrickShamrock 威爾斯? St. David
Union Flag
下議院 ─ 內閣制
英國社會制度 Upper class vs Non-upper class –Club membership –Peers in House of Lords –Female status in the Club –Language My God? –Education 菁英式教育 Fettes, Eaton 蘇格蘭教育 ─ 普及 – 慈善事業 各取所需 Pubs
Charity Shops OxfamOxfam - Shop on-line with Oxfam. Their Ethical Collection has a wide range of ethical gifts for you to buy. Or how about a different kind of gift with Oxfam Unwrapped. You choose the gift you would like someone in need to receive this could be anything from livestock to seeds. BarnadosBarnados - Find a shop near you - no online service. British Heart FoundationBritish Heart Foundation - For a list of their local shops. Charity CardsCharity Cards - For greeting cards all year round not just Christmas. Order on-line. ChocAidChocAid - Purchase chocolate gifts from Chocaid and money will be donated to projects which help counter hunger in the developing world. FishFish - In association with Christian Aid, Ethical Shopping. Help the AgedHelp the Aged - Shopping on-line including, gifts, mobility products and those little helpful gadgets that you can never seem to find. Land HeritageLand Heritage - An organic food and farming charity with a special interest in supporting the small family farm and educating the general public about the benefits of organic food and farming. North London HospiceNorth London Hospice - Hospice in the London area with a selection of local shops. RSPCARSPCA - Shop on-line with the RSPCA. Lots of gifts and goodies available, not just for pets! Save the Children ShopSave the Children Shop - Shop from our great range of online gifts and your purchase will help to save children lives. Our diverse selection includes fair trade chocolates and toys, and Wish List, our virtual gift range. ShelterShelter - Find a shelter shop near you. WWFWWF - Over 400 environmentally friendly products available from and in support of the World Wildlife Fund.
Charity 1 trust/w-thecharity.htmhttp:// trust/w-thecharity.htm National Trust of Scotland tattoo/media/videohttp:// tattoo/media/video 采風與 Capability Scotland
Religion or politics Church of England (Anglican) Church of Scotland (Presbyterian) Christianity –Roman Catholic vs Protestant –Reformation Dwindling church attending rate –The hub 北愛爾蘭 -Derry vs. Londonderry
文學藝術 莎士比亞 Jane Austin Robert Burns Charles Dickens J.K. Rolling Dannon Coyle Beatrix Potter 達文西密碼
英國鈔票 British Note Scottish Note
我們的貢獻 采風樂坊演出 愛丁堡軍樂節演出 台灣電影節 愛丁堡文藝季遊行 Fettes College 演講 農曆新年活動
參考網站 rials.phphttp:// rials.php slations/a_red_red_rose.htm