PBIS Tier 1 Interventions
PBIS Tier 1 Portfolio is a Weebly site created specifically for Harbor Lights’ staff to support one another with PBIS issues Created using full day PD information, teacher input as provided, and research based best practices
Tier 1 - Level 1… Foundation for behaviors… o The 1 st set of Tier 1 interventions are the most wide ranging and will impact all students in the room *Take 2 minutes and come up with a list of Tier 1 interventions that you think falls into this category o The following are examples: Tell student exactly what their expectations are for the hour Give simple, concrete directions Change seat Have a physical or visual cue for getting students back on task Use another time for completing task(s) in class *Take 1 minute and come up with a physical or visual cue you could use/do use in your own classroom (if you do use it, how effective is it?). *Take 2 minutes to share with your group.
Tier 1 - Level 2… Escalated behaviors… o These Tier 1 interventions are more focused and designed to alleviate a specific behavior *Take 2 minutes and come up with a list of Tier 1 interventions that you think falls into this category o The following are examples: Assign a classroom consequence Create classroom incentives Have personal connections and/or conversations with the student Contact parent/guardian (2 way communication) Assist student with time management skills *Take 1 minute and come up with an example of a classroom consequence and a classroom incentive you could use in your own classroom. *Take 2 minutes to share with your group.
Tier 1 - Level 3… Make a change… o The following Tier 1 interventions are individualized and are in place to make a needed transformation in behavior *Take 2 minutes and come up with a list of Tier 1 interventions that you think falls into this category o The following are examples: Set goals with the student Check-in/Check-out Behavior Plan Point sheet Ongoing parent communication soliciting parent support *Take 3 minutes and come up with at least 3-5 items you would want on a point sheet/behavior plan. *Take 2 minutes to share with your group.
Tier 1 Intervention Log This should be done for 4 weeks prior to referring a student to the Tier 2 Intervention Team *Take 3 minutes to discuss the differences in each section. Which section is the most important (makes the largest impact) to changing disruptive behavior? Why. o At least 3 differing interventions should be implemented (1 per section) o At least 3 documented occurrences for each intervention Each documented occurrence needs to be addressed with the student (they have to know you are documenting a behavior) This form can be completed electronically (Google doc) or as a hard copy *Take 5 minutes and work as a group to review the following: *Why do we need at least 1 intervention in each section? *Why do we need at least 3 attempts at each intervention? *Come up with how each of these sections’ interventions have worked/could work in your classroom.
Tier 2 Intervention Referral Tier 2 Intervention Team o Mrs. Dill o Mrs. Harris o Mr. Lemmon o Referring Teacher w/data support (shared Google doc or hardy copy) We will go over strategies and offer/assist in additional intervention ideas/supports *Expect a spike in behaviors for 2 weeks *Why will behavior escalate for 2 weeks? *How do we combat this? *Is it worth it?
Moving Forward w/PBIS… We have under 3 months of school remaining Any students who qualify for a Tier 2 intervention this year can have their information shared with their 7 th or 8 th grade teachers for the Fall “Every day is a new day and it’s never too late to help students make a change for their future.” “Every day is a new day and it’s never too late to help students make a change for their future.” - Dave Foley, a Michigan retiree, and author of The Ultimate Classroom Control Handbook