Seminar 18 Response to Intervention January 21, 2016 Facilitators: Geneviève Légaré Natalie Knott Katie Brown
Intention and Outcomes Learning intention: to develop a general understanding of Response to Intervention(RTI) in order to make connections to the collaborative inquiry process used in EBP, keeping data in mind. Learning outcomes to identify the key concepts of RTI to compare and contrast RTI models to identify issues pertaining to the implementation of RTI in Quebec connect the RTI process to the collaborative inquiry process keeping the focus on data
Warm Up 3 WORDS 1.Brainstorm as many concepts from Seminar 17 you remember 2.Pick 3 which are the most meaningful to you and write one per post-it. 3.Meet with one person and share one idea. We will have you change partners 3 times.
Agenda 1.Welcome 2.Learning for Us 1.AM: Understanding RTI a)Knowledge Activation b)Brief overview of RTI c)Compare and Contrast RTI Models d)Sharing 2.PM: Making connections to EBP a)Data emphasis b)Implementation issues for the Quebec context 3.Wrap-up
Knowledge Activation Individual Brainstorm: What do you know about RTI? 1.In your green book write, list, map all you know about RTI. 2.Think about the key concepts.
Basic Overview
Compare and Contrast RTI Models 1.Using the materials provided, explore the different models of RTI. Compare and contrast the key features of each model. (Brainstorm the features your group would like to explore, in order to guide your work.) 2. In your team use the chart paper provided to present the information you have gathered.
Sharing Each group be asked to share what they have discovered. When called upon, add any new information your group has found.
RTI… Tier 1: If 80% of your students do not meet proficiency level of your screening tool, focus on your Tier 1 teaching. If 80% or more of your students are proficient, start looking at Tier 2. The Tiers differ with respect to number of students in an intervention group, Time and frequency of interventions Interventions take place outside of classroom teaching. Tiers imply an order but, in RTI, the students enter and leave the Tiers as needed and as soon as their needs are identified. Students do not succeed in school because of will and skill Problems. Teacher teams take the lead in skill problems. Leadership team can take the lead on will problems (attendance, motivation, behavior).
Reflection In your green book take the time to reflect on what you have learned, discussed etc.
Data and RTI 1.Choose one of the four corners to work at. 2.Answer the questions on the chart paper provided: In this Tier … a)What are we trying to find out? b)What data should we use? c)What issues might we be faced with when implementing this framework in Quebec Schools? d)Other….
Reflection In your green book take the time to reflect on what you have learned, discussed etc.
Wrap Up