IMPERIALISM What is Imperialism? The seizure of a country or territory by a stronger country Why Imperialism? European countries needed more raw materials for Industrialization European countries also needed new markets to sell their finished products
FORMS OF IMPERIALISM Colonies A country or territory governed internally by a foreign power. Ex. 13 colonies Protectorates A country or territory with its own internal government but under the control of an outside power. Spheres of influence An area in which an outside power claims exclusive investment or trading privileges.
NATIONALISM INFLUENCES IMPERIALISM What is Nationalism again??? Belief that the people’s greatest loyalty should lie with a nation of people who share a common culture and history. What countries would be considered nation-states today? How would Nationalism in Europe influence imperialism? Europeans viewed an empire as a measure of national greatness. The larger your empire the greater your power.
IMPERIALISM LEADS TO THE SPREAD OF IDEAS Economic ideas: Because the main European interest is in the raw goods of their colony, Europe imposed new economic controls over their colonies Social ideas: Social Darwinism – those who are fittest for survival enjoyed wealth and success and are superior to the others. Following this, non-Europeans were considered to be on a lower scale of cultural and physical development because they did not experience progress in their countries.
CECIL RHODES “I contend that we [Britons] are the first race in the world, and the more of the world we inhabit, the better it is for the human race….it is our duty to seize every opportunity of acquiring more territory and we should keep this one idea steadily before our eyes that more territory simply means more of the Anglo-Saxon race, more of the best, the most human, most honourable race the world possesses.” Who does Rhodes sound like when he says “more territory simply means more of the Anglo-Saxon race, more of the best, the most human, most honourable race the world possesses”? (Hint: Think WWII) Rhodes will eventually found De Beers = the biggest diamond company in the world
IMPERIALISM LEADS TO THE SPREAD OF IDEAS Political ideas: In order to control a colony, European nations imposed different forms of control Direct control Foreign officials rule colony Main goal for European nation is assimilation (the idea that the local population would adopt European culture Indirect control Local officials rule colony based on European styles Main goal for European nation is to produce future leaders trained in European styles
IMPERIALISM IN AFRICA Why did Europeans first start setting up settlements in Africa? What has changed since then that they want to expand their influence in Africa? Europeans need the natural resources that are in Africa to continue to make machined goods that are being created through Industrialization Europeans also believe that the larger your empire, the greater your power! And let’s not forget Social Darwinism
IMPERIALISM IN AFRICA How do Europeans decide how to break up Africa? Berlin Conference reading Summary: IN YOUR OWN WORDS! Who was missing from the conference? The Berlin Conference leads to something known as the scramble for Africa
The Union of South Africa should be the same colour as British possessions Only label Liberia and Ethiopia
MAP QUESTIONS On the back of your map answer the following: 1.Which country has claimed the most land? 2.Which country has claimed the least land? 3.Which countries are independent? 1.What does that mean? 4.What language would people speak in South Africa? 5.What language would people speak in Madagascar?
IMPERIALISM IN AFRICA The British would eventually dominate the world through their colonies. One of their first acts in Africa was to finish the building of the Suez Canal (started by the French) Importance: Connects the Mediterranean sea to the Red Sea This cuts travel time from England to India nearly in half
IMPERIALISM IN AFRICA With all of these European Countries present in Africa, conflict between Europeans starts to break out. One of the most notable conflicts is the Boer War The Dutch had settled in South Africa first, then the English showed up. The Dutch farmers fought with the British settlers over the course of 2 years. (the British win)
IMPERIALISM IN AFRICA The Africans met the European settlers with resistance as well, and we will talk more about this in detail later.
IMPERIALISM IN CHINA The Chinese were against the idea of trading with Europeans and were very strict about foreign trade so they could limit the influence of Europe on China They even thought about cutting off European trade completely to help protect their culture But European demand for goods like silk and porcelain convinced them to open their boarders China established foreign enclaves so they could still control any foreign trade The Enclaves were controlled by the government and were only located in three coastal towns
IMPERIALISM IN CHINA The Europeans would make China a sphere of influence for trade. What does this mean?
IMPERIALISM IN CHINA During the time of Imperialism, Europeans started to arrive in larger numbers looking for natural resources in China By the 1900s the Chinese were sick of European influence in their cities and started the Boxer Rebellion The Boxer Rebellion was a violent attempt to force all foreigners out of China It was a failure and they were quickly suppressed by military force “Death to the foreign devils!”
IMPERIALISM IN JAPAN Japan had a very weak emperor for years So instead of the Emperor controlling the country the Shogun called the shots Shogun = Military leaders The Shogun viewed the west (Europe) as a bad influence on their culture and closed their boarders to all foreigners! This is called Isolation
IMPERIALISM IN JAPAN Throughout the early 1800s European countries tried to open Japan to trade with the west, but they resisted It wasn’t until Commodore Matthew Perry of the US sailed four massive ships into the Tokyo Harbor that the Japanese opened their ports to foreigners This would lead to the modernization of Japan (Think of The Last Samarai)
IMPERIALISM IN INDIA During the Age of Discovery, the British East India Company (BEIC) was established in India to trade spices with the British Empire Gradually the BEIC began to gain more territory and more control over India In order to enforce their rule, the BEIC employed local Indians as soldiers. There were many people that were unhappy with British rule in India for the following reasons: Religion Land disputes Rascism
IMPERIALISM IN INDIA In addition to the discontent among Indians, the Sepoys had a problem of their own Many of the Sepoys were either Muslim or Hindu Their new cartridges were greased with pork and beef fat Why is this a problem? The Sepoy refused to use these cartridges and revolted against the BEIC This Is known as the Sepoy Rebellion, and it was joined by nationalistic Indians Many died, and after a year the BEIC regained control of India As a result of the Sepoy Rebellion the First Indian Nationalist Party was founded to push for self-rule of Indians
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