SunGuide SM Software Development Project Software Design Review May 12, 2004
May 12, 2004Software Design Review 2 Agenda High-Level Design ConceptsDellenback / Heller –Subsystems –XML based ICDs Core Processes:Dellenback –Status Logger –Executive Handler –Notify Manager GUIStrain Generic SubsystemMoczygemba Data BusMoczygemba DMSRandolph CCTVRandolph TSSRandolph Incident ManagementDellenback Overall SDD DiscussionDellenback
May 12, 2004Software Design Review 3 High-Level Design Concepts
May 12, 2004Software Design Review 4 Subsystem Concept Robust Extensible Flexible Scalable Configurable Proven
May 12, 2004Software Design Review 5 XML ICD Concept Goals: –Provide real time status –Distribute commands List of ICDs: –CCTV Driver –CCTV Client –CCTV Switch Driver –TSS Driver –TSS Client –DMS Client –HAR Client –IM Client –Data Bus Client –Data Bus Provider Template
May 12, 2004Software Design Review 6 Software Scalability Highly scalable / extensible, many configurations possible RTMC (Regional Transportation Management Center): –Multiple server based –“Owns” equipment –Many users STMC (Satellite/Secondary) Transportation Management Center): –Local servers to host equipment –Utilize “Data Bus” of an associated RTMC –User interface hosted in the RTMC VTMC (Virtual Transportation Management Centers): –No code locally installed –Utilize browser interface PTMC (Portable Transportation Management Centers): –Laptop based –Database limiting factor –Network connections required (to access devices)
May 12, 2004Software Design Review 7 Core Processes
May 12, 2004Software Design Review 8 Status Logger and Executive Handler Implementation
May 12, 2004Software Design Review 9 Status Logger: High Level Design Concept
May 12, 2004Software Design Review 10 Status Logger: Detailed Design Information Centralized message logging TCP/IP socket based User-defined content in optional message fields Three primary components –Status Logger Server Windows Service Multi-client Several log file archiving options Control Panel applet configurable –Status Log Viewer Supports remote log file access Comprehensive message filtering Efficient log file refreshing –Client Access Library Supports.NET, Win32/MFC, and Java clients Registry-based or client-supplied connect info
May 12, 2004Software Design Review 11 Executive Handler: High Level Design Concept
May 12, 2004Software Design Review 12 Executive Handler: Detailed Design Information Supports application control from central location Supports control of distributed applications –By server –By sub-system Supports update of client application logging level Four primary components –Executive Handler Server Windows Service Supports multiple controlled processes Supports connections from multiple EH Viewers Supports error notification via Notify Manager –Executive Handler Editor Supports Services and Applications Supports parameter and sub-system definition –Executive Handler Viewer Supports connections to multiple EH Servers View process status by host or by sub-system Control processes by groups or individually –Client Access Library Supports.NET and Win32/MFC clients Supports asynchronous notifications
May 12, 2004Software Design Review 13 Notify Process: High Level Design Concept
May 12, 2004Software Design Review 14 Notify Process: Detailed Design Information Supports SMTP-based notifications from central location TCP/IP socket based XML message based Supports severity-based recipient lookup from SunGuide database Two primary components –Notify Manager Server Windows Service Multi-client Executive Handler compatible Configurable SMTP host –Client Access Library Supports.NET clients Registry-based or client-supplied connect info
May 12, 2004Software Design Review 15 Generic Subsystem
May 12, 2004Software Design Review 16 Generic Subsystem: High Level Design Concept
May 12, 2004Software Design Review 17 Generic Subsystem: Detailed Design Information Main Process – Core controller of the system – Extended and customized by each subsystem Database – Single access point to SunGuide database – Customized code for each provider XML Interface – Asynchronous XML over TCP/IP sockets – Listeners manage client and driver connections – XML forwarded to the appropriate handlers Authenticate Handler Default Handler Properties Handler Subsystem-specific Handlers XML Interface Data Flow
May 12, 2004Software Design Review 18 Generic Subsystem: Detailed Design Information - continued If the request is something that needs to be sent to the driver, a request will be returned. Otherwise, the handler performs whatever data actions should occur (add to database and current system data) and returns a response. When a response is sent to the handler, the handler performs any data actions that need to occur (add to database and current system data) and forwards the response on for the client.
May 12, 2004Software Design Review 19 Generic Subsystem: Detailed Design Information - continued Status Logger – Single access point to SunGuide StatusLogger – Configurable logging levels Service and Heartbeat – Generic framework supports services – A built-in Executive Handler client heartbeats to the Executive Handler – Configurable logging via the Executive Handler is supported within this framework User Permissions – System issues a security token for each authenticated user – User subscriptions are tracked – Security controller supports permission checking Config File – XML file stores port and server settings – System supports configurable XML handlers
May 12, 2004Software Design Review 20 Data Bus
May 12, 2004Software Design Review 21 Data Bus: High Level Design Concept
May 12, 2004Software Design Review 22 Data Bus: High Level Design Concept - continued Common access point to provider subsystems – fewer socket connections – location transparency – increases flexibility of the deployed system – reduces network traffic for status distribution
May 12, 2004Software Design Review 23 Data Bus: Detailed Design Information Inherits and extends generic subsystem functionality The Data Bus Main Process initializes main components: – Command Distributor – Status Collector – Status Distributor – Data Bus XML Interface Provider Template ICD standardizes the system’s provider interface to ensure schema compatibility – Allows Data Bus to easily expand to support new provider subsystems Configuration file used to determine providers, their subscriptions, and their status updates
May 12, 2004Software Design Review 24 Data Bus: Detailed Design Information - continued Command and Control
May 12, 2004Software Design Review 25 Data Bus: Detailed Design Information - continued Status Collector – Data snapshot stored for each new resource type – Providers push status updates to the Data Bus – Status trees are modified as appropriate
May 12, 2004Software Design Review 26 Data Bus: Detailed Design Information - continued Status Distributor – Clients can retrieve data types from the system – Status may be requested on demand – Updates are sent to subscribed clients descartes
May 12, 2004Software Design Review 27 GUI
May 12, 2004Software Design Review 28 GUI / MAP: High Level Design Concept
May 12, 2004Software Design Review 29 GUI / Map: Detailed Design Information Browser based operator interface Rationale –Workstation configuration management –Potential of remote use –Uses open standards Key technologies –PHP (PHP Hypertext Preprocessor) –SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) –JavaScript (also known as: ECMAScript - European Computer Manufactures Association Script)
May 12, 2004Software Design Review 30 GUI / Map: Detailed Design Information - continued Browser to server communication –Browser environment HTTP Synchronous client request –SunGuide environment XML over TCP/IP Asynchronous, bidirectional messaging Data sources –Typically static data (geography, roadways) Built from shapefiles –Typically dynamic data (equipment, events)
May 12, 2004Software Design Review 31 GUI / Map: Detailed Design Information - continued Dynamic updates –Icons placed by latitude and longitude –Updates regularly retrieved from system –Equipment status indications Color or shape change of icons Detailed information in dialogs User interaction –Validity checking performed in GUI –Commands sent to system immediately Some commands, like CCTV control, may be buffered to avoid overloading network –System messages placed in message window
May 12, 2004Software Design Review 32 DMS
May 12, 2004Software Design Review 33 DMS: High Level Design Concept
May 12, 2004Software Design Review 34 DMS: Detailed Design Information Existing system –Minor modifications needed –Generic subsystem design based on DMS Drivers –Existing driver framework –New commands added Mark IV NTCIP Florida MIB
May 12, 2004Software Design Review 35 CCTV
May 12, 2004Software Design Review 36 CCTV: High Level Design Concept
May 12, 2004Software Design Review 37 CCTV: Detailed Design Information Inherits Generic Subsystem functionality Handlers for configuration –Locks –Equipment group –Video tours Handlers forwarding to camera driver –Camera configuration –Camera control Handlers forwarding to switch driver –Monitor configuration –Switch configuration –Camera connection
May 12, 2004Software Design Review 38 CCTV: Detailed Design Information - continued Camera locks –Expire after a configurable time period –Can be overridden with permission Equipment may be dynamically added Active video tours resume on system restart Camera presets –Locations are saved in camera –Descriptions of the preset stored in database Blackout mode—cannot connect input/output –Restricted monitor –Blacked out camera
May 12, 2004Software Design Review 39 TSS
May 12, 2004Software Design Review 40 TSS: High Level Design Concept
May 12, 2004Software Design Review 41 TSS: Detailed Design Information Inherits Generic Subsystem functionality Handlers for configuration –Detector mapping Handlers forwarding to driver –Detector configuration –Detector status changes (Active/Out of Service) Handlers receiving data from driver –Detector updates
May 12, 2004Software Design Review 42 TSS: Detailed Design Information - continued Detector mapping –Contains links/lanes –Maps links/lanes to highways Equipment may be dynamically added Detector updates –Converter to link/lane updates –Compared to alarm threshold Thresholds set for time frames Smoothing algorithm (rolling average) Triggers alarms if less than threshold
May 12, 2004Software Design Review 43 Incident Management
May 12, 2004Software Design Review 44 Incident Management : High Level Design Concept Both a Client and Provider
May 12, 2004Software Design Review 45 Incident Management: Detailed Design Information Design based on Maryland’s Chart system Communications Infrastructure – Manages client connections over TCP/IP – Abstracts communication with the client via XML – Supports compression and XML validation XML Handlers: – Configuration handler Processes event changes User can specify radius to search for devices – Route handler Determines alternate routes for an incident – Incident Management handler Manages a database of incident data Pulls data from other SunGuide providers Supports the creation of events Client can activate/deactivate response plans Handles planned roadwork and weather events – Plan handler Manages pre-defined response plans
May 12, 2004Software Design Review 46 Overall SDD Discussion
May 12, 2004Software Design Review 47 Software Design Document: Appropriate Format and Content? Impressions: –Level of Detail –Usefulness Traceability Updates to occur: –As subsystems are added –End of release Hardcopies: hard to produce due to HTML technology Any FDOT requests?
May 12, 2004Software Design Review 48 Questions?