CloudBerry Explorer for S3
CB Explorer Free to use Browse and manage files PowerShell functions Open and edit files CloudBerry Explorer is an easy to use tool to browse, move, share, save and manage files in Amazon S3, Glacier and S3 compatible storage What is Explorer
Simple navigation; Drag and drop interface; Multiple tabs support. Main Screen
Data Storage Amazon S3 Buckets Management Create, browse, delete buckets and share them with other Amazon S3 users. Amazon Glacier Management Access and manage Amazon Glacier storage. Create vaults, move data to vaults and request to download them back to your computer. RRS Support Reduce your costs by storing non-critical, reproducible data at lower levels of redundancy than Amazon S3's standard storage.
Data Management Copy/Move, Open/Edit or Delete Files Copy and move files to and from the storage; Edit files and save them directly on the storage; Delete up to 1000 objects per request. Compare and Sync Compare or synchronize content of S3 buckets and local folders. Object Expiration Support Schedule the deletion of your objects after a pre-defined time period. AWS Import/Export Create and manage AWS Import/Export jobs.
Bucket Policy Editor Create and edit conditional rules for managing access to the buckets and objects. ACL Editor Manage access permission to any of your objects by setting up 'Access Control List‘; ACL will also apply to all 'child objects' inside S3 buckets. ACL and Bucket Policy
User, Groups Management Create and manage users, group of users and their data access policies with Amazon S3 browser. Policy Designer Create and edit access policies in a couple simple steps. IAM Policy Wizard Manage all policies from one screen. IAM Manager
Cheap for Archiving Save money with the cheapest archiving solution. Straight to Glacier Copy, move or delete files from your local machine or S3 storage to Glacier. Amazon Glacier Storage
Cheep for Archiving Save money with the cheapest archiving solution Straight to Glacier Copy, move or delete files from your local machine or S3 storage to Glacier Lifecycle policy Transit files from S3 to Glacier automatically within set amount of time as a rule for whole buckets or folders. Smart Retrieval Overcome the complexity of the Glacier restore costs Amazon Glacier Storage
Versioning Preserve, retrieve, and restore every version of every object in your buckets. Archive versions in Glacier and S3 at the same time Lifecycle policy Transit files from S3 to Glacier automatically within set amount of time as a rule for whole buckets or folders. Local files S3 files Glacier files Versioning and Lifecycle
URL Generation Generate time limited/signed, CNAME or default web URLs. S3 Website Support Host static web-sites on S3 by setting bucket as a web-site. HTTP headers Manage HTTP headers across single or multiple files. S3 Websites and File sharing
CloudFront Support Distribute your content with Amazon Content Delivery Network (CDN). CloudFront Streaming Configure streaming distribution and generate URLs for streaming content and HTML code for your video player. Private Content Support Manage streaming distributions. Control over who can and who cannot view content streamed with the service. CloudFront HTTPS Support Configure distributions to serve content using HTTPS and generate secure CloudFront URLs. Object Invalidation Support Remove an object from CloudFront edge locations prior to the expiration time set on that object. CloudFront Root Object Support Host a web-site on CloudFront. AWS CloudFront
Client Side Encryption Encrypt data on your PC before sending to Amazon S3. Server Side Encryption (SSE) Support Encrypt data uploaded to Amazon S3. Compression Reduce the consumption of S3 bandwidth and disk space. Upload Rules Selectively assign encryption, compression, headers, based on file types, buckets, etc. Compression and Encryption CB Explorer Gzip compression 17 encryption algorithms SSE Encryption
With Windows PowerShell SnapIn for Explorer you can automate many functions: Copy, move and rename; Encrypt, decrypt and reset SSE encryption; Move and retrieve files to/from Glacier; And many more* * For full list of PowerShell commands please go to: PowerShell SnapIn
Security Assessment Report Validate all your bucket settings to find the ones configured for anonymous access and change the access configuration where needed. Capacity Reports Quickly see which bucket consumes the most of the space and how it compares to others. S3 and CloudFront Log Viewer Enable CloudFront or S3 logging to generate simple reports. Reporting
Free Explorer For S3 Absolutely free regardless of install base. PRO Explorer For S3* $39,99 permanent license per machine. *to compare Free/PRO functionality please visit: CloudBerry Explorer pricing
Efficient and secure offsite backup; We don’t own your data; Leverage Amazon S3, Glacier; Compress data; Encrypt data; Schedule backups; Real-time backup; Block Level Backup; CloudBerry Backup
Desktop Edition $29,99; Server Edition $79,99; Bare Metal $119.99; SQL Server Edition $149,99; MS Exchange $229.99; Enterprise Edition $299,99; Annual Maintenance 20%. CloudBerry Backup pricing
Map cloud storage a local disk; Use Windows Explorer; Existing applications; No proprietary storage format; Pricing Server Edition $59,99. Desktop Edition $29,99. CloudBerry Drive
Drop Box replacement; Share and sync; Strong security; Works on your own Amazon S3; Coming in late Q3 2014; Sign up for beta! (link)link CloudBerry Box
Thanks for attention! Download FREE Explorer for S3 (link) or 15 days trial of PRO Explorer for S3 (link); Contact us at: Check out our blog (link).link