History 102SY The United States and the Middle East 1900 to the Present.


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Presentation transcript:

History 102SY The United States and the Middle East 1900 to the Present

An Era of Limits: The Politics of Oil,

From early 1970s to early 1980s, US faced fundamental challenge in meeting its own energy needs and those of allies, due largely to instability in ME

Two major shocks during this period: 1)Arab oil embargo ) Iranian Revolution

Late 1960s—demand for oil began to outstrip supply, creating a seller’s market; in early 1970s oil companies conceded that Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) could set price of oil

Early OPEC meeting, Baghdad, 1960 Late 1960s—demand for oil began to outstrip supply, creating a seller’s market; in early 1970s oil companies conceded that Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) could set price of oil

During 1973 War, US sent major airlift of arms to Israel (Soviet Union did same for Egypt and Syria)

Late 1973-early 1974—Oil producing Arab states embargoed oil shipments to West, causing major spike in gas prices and in general inflation rate

Spring 1974—Oil embargo ended and supply was restored, but prices remained high

Ministers of oil-rich countries (like Zaki Yamani of Saudi Arabia) became newly prominent

Saudi Arabia vs. Iran Shah Reza Mohammed Pahlavi King Faisal

Over next several years there were exaggerated fears that wealthy Arabs were gaining control over American economic and cultural life


Network, 1976 “Howard Beale”

Network, 1976


— “Abscam” affair

1980—American Arab Anti-Discriminiation Committee (ADC) formed in response to Abscam James Abourezk

King Tut


Jimmy Carter devoted much of his presidency to tackling energy crisis

“Moral Equivalent of War”

“ M oral E quivalent O f W ar”

Accident at Three Mile Island, 1979

Late 1970s—Chaos in Iran caused disruption of oil shipments, leading to renewed gas shortages and price hikes

Carter’s “Malaise” Speech, 1979

US and West had some success in locating alternative sources of oil—Alaska pipeline, North Sea oil— making themselves somewhat less dependent on ME oil