The Dark Days of Israel’s Judges A Study of the Book of Judges The Dark Days of Israel’s Judges A Study of the Book of Judges Lesson 7 Judges 6:1-35 First Things First September 27, 2009
I.Introduction A.I have a reputation for being harsh on some characters in the Bible (Jonah, Esther, Naomi). 1.But I must admit to having a certain sympathetic compassion towards Gideon. 2.There is a common thread running through Judges, as 2:10—3:5 summarizes. 3.But there are also unique elements, as we are about to see in the story of Gideon. 4.Our approach in this lesson
II.The Setting (Judges 6:1-6) A.Israel once again does evil in the sight of the Lord (6:1a). B.God gives Israel into the hands of the Midianites (6:1b). 1. Descendants of Abraham (Genesis 25:2-6) 2. They bought Joseph and took him to Egypt (Genesis 37:28, 36). 3. A kinship with Moses (Exodus 2:15-21) 4. Associated with Balak of Moab (Numbers 22:4-7; 25:6, 14) C.A different kind of oppression, causing the Israelites to cry out (6:2-6)
III.Israel’s Cry for Rescue; God’s Response is a Rebuke (6:7-10) A.God does not immediately send a deliverer, as before (see 3:9, 15; 4:3f.). B.Instead, God sends a prophet C.God’s past, powerful acts on Israel’s behalf are reviewed (6:8-10) D.The emphasis is on God’s great works (as opposed to the Canaanite gods – “I...”). E.The God who did all this also gave the Israelites a clear command not to worship the gods of the land, but Israel disobeyed (6:10). F.Note what isn’t said here. 1. No explicit call for repentance 2. No indication of repentance
IV. Between God and Gideon (6:11-27) A.Divine assurance (6:11-12) B.Gideon’s response (6:13) C.Why doesn’t Gideon get it? D.Further assurance (6:14) E.Gideon’s protest (6:15) F.Further assurance (6:16) G.Gideon’s request: “Give me a sign that it is really God speaking to me” (6:17-24). H.God’s instruction: “Make your private faith public” (6:25-26). I.Gideon’s fainthearted obedience (6:27)
V.Beyond Gideon: Preparing the Abiezrites to Fight the Midianites (6:28-35) A.Gideon’s actions come to light, and the Abiezrite clan takes a dim view (6:28-30). B.The Canaanization of these Israelites C.Joash (Gideon’s father) takes charge (6:31-32). D.The Abiezrites are now ready to fight (6:33-35). VI.Conclusion A.It all began with one man. B.The kind of people God chooses C.God uses a process to build leaders. D.Faltering obedience is obedience.
E.God ministers to others through our weakness. F.First things first – getting right with God before going to war. G.Privatizing faith: God doesn’t want “private” faith – Private faith must become public. H.Dealing with the problem of pluralism Copyright © 2009 by Robert L. Deffinbaugh. This is the edited PowerPoint presentation of Lesson 7 in the series, The Dark Days of Israel’s Judges, prepared by Robert L. Deffinbaugh for September 27, Anyone is at liberty to use this lesson for educational purposes only, with or without credit.