News – 29 days to submission December 14th 2015 ITN.EJDC.Roda Universita` e INFN Pisa 1.


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Presentation transcript:

News – 29 days to submission December 14th 2015 ITN.EJDC.Roda Universita` e INFN Pisa 1

Provide table 4.1 with institute description by Wednesday Provide list of thesis supervisors for each thesis December 14th 2015 ITN.EJDC.Roda Universita` e INFN Pisa 2

MxMonthWhat Submission Evaluation known Sign agreement M Kick-off meeting - Pisa M All ESR positions opened / Declare PhD in Italy M All ESR recruited M ESRs start / Bootcamp & 1 st Annual Meeting - CEA M Beginning of PhD courses M BigData handling and analysis for society - UNIPI M Big Data handling analysis in Particle Physics and Cosmology / 2 nd Annual Meeting - UCL M Workshop on statistics - AUTH M Conferences on scientific and technological harvest - UNISA M ESRs end December 14th 2015 ITN.EJDC.Roda Universita` e INFN Pisa 3

Proposal status 0. Introduction - Chiara 1pg 1 EXCELLENCE (Total #pgs 6.7) 1.1 Quality, innovative aspects and credibility of the research program – Stefania/Thomas 3pgs – 1.2 Quality and innovative aspects of the training program - Chiara 2pgs - DONE 1.3 Quality of supervision - Chiara 0.7 pg – December 7th 1.4 Quality of proposed interaction between the participating organizations – Nikos/Tim 1pg – DONE 2 IMPACT Chara/Rosy 0.3pg (Total #pgs 2.6pg) – Friday Dec.11th 2.1 Enhancing the career perspectives and employability of researches and contribution to their skills development - Chara/Rosy - 0.7pg - DONE 2.2 Contribution to structuring doctoral/early-stage research training at the European level Chara/Rosy - 1pg - DONE 2.3 Quality of the proposed measures to explain and disseminate project results - Chara/Rosy - 0.3pg – need internships 2.4 Quality of the proposed measures to communicate the project activities to different target audiences - Tim pg – DONE 3 QUALITY AND EFFICIENCY OF THE IMPLEMENTATION 3.1 Coherence and effectivenes of the work plan - 1.2pg - Chiara. description of each work-page 0.5pg. list of deliverables. list of milestones. list of ESR projects 3.2 Appropriateness of the management structures and procedures - 3.5pgs – Tim 3.3 Appropriateness of the infrastructures of the participating organizations - 0.5pg - Chara 3.4 Competences, experiences and complementarity of the participating organisations and their commitment to the program - 0.8pg - Thomas December 14th 2015 ITN.EJDC.Roda Universita` e INFN Pisa 4

Note First merging done. Please use Arial 11 and 15 margin so it is easier to merge again. December 14th 2015 ITN.EJDC.Roda Universita` e INFN Pisa 5

ESR Thesis – Final sharing ESR1 UNIPI-UCL - HH  2b2tau –DM+H - X ESR2 UNIPI-CEA – MET+bb – DM+H ESR3 AUTH-CEA – Invisible Z(ll)H(vv) – ll+MET– DM+H - X ESR4 AUTH-UNISA – aTGC - lvll – Exo ESR5 UCL-UNIPI – HH  4b – DM+H - X ESR6 UCL-UNISA – Z(ll)H(bb) – exo+higgs - X ESR7 CEA-AUTH – H  4l – coupling higgs - X ESR8 CEA-UCL – Boosted H(bb) – MET+bb DM+H ESR9 UNISA-AUTH – Diboson – X ESR10 UNIPI-AUTH Virgo - X ESR11 AUTH-UNIPI Virgo - title given - X ES312 UCL-UNISA Euclid – title given – Dec 15th ESR13 CEA-UCL EUCLID– title given ESR14 UCL-CEA EUCLID – title given – Dec 15th ESR15 UNISA-CEA EUCLID – title given - X December 14th 2015 ITN.EJDC.Roda Universita` e INFN Pisa 6 W/Z+MET = J/jj+MET boson tagging, b-tagging of fat jets ? Resonant and non resonant DM searches and exotic resonances W/Z+MET = J/jj+MET boson tagging, b-tagging of fat jets ? Resonant and non resonant DM searches and exotic resonances

Internships -2 Thales – DataAnalysis -2 ENEL- Data Analysis -2 Semblent - Data Technologies -Spark, Cassandra, cluster structure -Use of unstructured or semi-unstructured data -2 Transport for London – Data Analysis -2 NCC group Cyber crime company – Data Analysis -1 NetApp, Network performances – Data technologies -2 OpenLab – CER -UNICREDIT -Computing national greek company December 14th 2015 ITN.EJDC.Roda Universita` e INFN Pisa 7

Status of Letter of Commitments Pisa – letter all ok with office / sent to rettore UNISA – letter sent to be signed AUTH – to be done Universite` Paris Saclay/CEA – templates in Rosy’s hands – Beneficiary/Partner to be clarified UCL – next Tuesday the letter should be signed December 14th 2015 ITN.EJDC.Roda Universita` e INFN Pisa 8