Welcome Please sign in, pick up a handout & test, have a seat, and we will begin shortly Please sign in, pick up a handout & test, have a seat, and we will begin shortly
Welcome to open house
8th grade Mathematics: Salembier Room 311 7th Hour
Tonight’s Agenda Introduction Introduction Agenda books Agenda books Organization Organization Discipline Discipline Grades Grades Questions Questions Explain about your test and the answer key Explain about your test and the answer key
Who is the teacher?
5 th year teaching 5 th year teaching Graduated from MCC, WMU, GVSU, OU, Marygrove College Graduated from MCC, WMU, GVSU, OU, Marygrove College Married (wife teaches at Indian Hills Elementary) Married (wife teaches at Indian Hills Elementary) Proud father Proud father Love being a staff member of RCS Love being a staff member of RCS Mrs. Maksuta and I will run the Builder’s Club this year Mrs. Maksuta and I will run the Builder’s Club this year
What goes on in the class?
Begin with Bell work Begin with Bell work Check own homework for understanding Check own homework for understanding Complete math packets to supplement or reinforce skills Complete math packets to supplement or reinforce skills Use the Connected Math Project as our textbooks Use the Connected Math Project as our textbooks Moving Straight Ahead (linear functions) Moving Straight Ahead (linear functions) Filling & Wrapping (surface area and volume) Filling & Wrapping (surface area and volume) Looking for Pythagoras (Pythagorean theorem) Looking for Pythagoras (Pythagorean theorem) Growing, Growing, Growing (exponential relationships) Growing, Growing, Growing (exponential relationships)
Agenda Books
Need to be filled out daily Need to be filled out daily Should be checked by parent/guardian weekly Should be checked by parent/guardian weekly Available on line at Available on line at and through my class website
Organization Math is to be kept in a separate 1½ inch binder (5 tab dividers) Math is to be kept in a separate 1½ inch binder (5 tab dividers) Need to keep all papers until the grade for that quarter is received Need to keep all papers until the grade for that quarter is received Should refer to their agenda to keep up on what is going on Should refer to their agenda to keep up on what is going on
Math Binder Organization *Math binder and spiral notebook go in front of tabs Tab 1- Math Packets (Wednesday Skill Packets) Tab 1- Math Packets (Wednesday Skill Packets) Tab 2- Handouts (Additional Practice, Check ups, etc) Tab 2- Handouts (Additional Practice, Check ups, etc) Tab 3- Assessments (Mini quizzes, quizzes, tests, etc.) Tab 3- Assessments (Mini quizzes, quizzes, tests, etc.) Tab 4- Skill Reviews (Beginning of year Toolbox) Tab 4- Skill Reviews (Beginning of year Toolbox) Tab 5- Paper (lined & graph) Tab 5- Paper (lined & graph)
Discipline Classroom Rules: 1. Be Prompt2. Be Prepared 3. Be Respectful4. Be on Task 5. Follow All School Rules
Consequences When a student chooses not to follow the rules: 1 st time: Receive verbal warning 2 nd time: Detention or a discussion w/teacher 3 rd time: After-school detention 4 th or more: detention/Saturday-school / suspension
Tardies If a student is not in his/her assigned seat and starting the bell work when the bell rings, the student will be marked tardy. If a student is not in his/her assigned seat and starting the bell work when the bell rings, the student will be marked tardy.Tardies: 3 = Detention Alert 4 = After-school detention 5 = After-school detention 6 = Saturday school 7 or more = Saturday school or Suspension
Rewards Year end Character Counts award/pizza party for those without any detentions or discipline referrals the whole year! Year end Character Counts award/pizza party for those without any detentions or discipline referrals the whole year! CJ Barrymores Activity Day CJ Barrymores Activity Day Chicago Trip for select students Chicago Trip for select students
Grades Posted in class every other Friday by student numbers (for privacy). Posted in class every other Friday by student numbers (for privacy). Bi-weekly progress reports ed home to parent/guardian. Bi-weekly progress reports ed home to parent/guardian. Gold sheet available for alternate Fridays, but needs to be signed up by Thursday. Gold sheet available for alternate Fridays, but needs to be signed up by Thursday.
Missing Assignments/Late work Missing assignments are an automatic zero Missing assignments are an automatic zero Students may turn work in up to two days after the due date to receive *½ credit Students may turn work in up to two days after the due date to receive *½ credit After the two days, work will not be accepted and becomes a zero After the two days, work will not be accepted and becomes a zero *Please note ½ credit is 50% (an F) *Please note ½ credit is 50% (an F)
Absences Excused absences allow the student two days for each day absent to make up and turn in the missed work. Excused absences allow the student two days for each day absent to make up and turn in the missed work. If the work does not get turned in on time it falls into the late/missing rule If the work does not get turned in on time it falls into the late/missing rule It is the student’s responsibility to check the agenda to find out what needs to be made up It is the student’s responsibility to check the agenda to find out what needs to be made up
Homework All work/assignments not completed in class is to be considered homework and due the following day, unless stated differently by the teacher All work/assignments not completed in class is to be considered homework and due the following day, unless stated differently by the teacher Students should expect homework or studying on a daily basis Students should expect homework or studying on a daily basis
All assignments are to be completed in pencil only All assignments are to be completed in pencil only All work must be shown All work must be shown All corrections are to be in red pen only All corrections are to be in red pen only
Grading Scale A =100 – 93 A =100 – 93 A- = 92 – 90 A- = 92 – 90 B+= 89 – 87 B+= 89 – 87 B = 86 – 83 B = 86 – 83 B- = 82 – 80 B- = 82 – 80 C+ = 79 – 77 C+ = 79 – 77 C = 76 – 73 C = 76 – 73 C- = 72 – 70 D+= D = 66 – 63 D = 66 – 63 D- = D- =
Citizenship Citizenship will be based on a number of criteria, including: Class participation Class participation Being prepared for class Being prepared for class Completing assigned work Completing assigned work An outstanding mark is reserved for those that demonstrate outstanding qualities
Thank you for visiting! Please be sure to ask your child for an answer key to the “test.”