Targeted Youth Support Fiona Anderson 22 nd April 2009
2 Early identification Involving young people Appropriate settings Access throughuniversal settings Lead professionalinvolvement Common assessmentframework Support duringtransitions Every Child Matters Outcomes Be healthy Stay safe Enjoy and achieve Make a positive contribution Achieve economic well- being Background: Target date for implementatio n was Dec 08 – Extended to July 09 in Lancashire TYS 7 key elements :
3 Putting the young person’s “life journey” at the centre Identify and intervene early Universal services Targeted services Specialist services Support transitions in and out of specialist services Address current issues Prevent problems Targeted youth support has a particular focus on ensuring that vulnerable young people get timely and coordinated help to prevent their problems escalating or arising at all
TYS Definition In essence TYS is about all “children and young people services” improving outcomes for vulnerable young people by: Identifying vulnerable young people early in universal settings Targeting “at risk” young people Developing multi agency early intervention
TYS is: Improving how we work together to improve outcomes for young people Building on current strengths Delivering a consistent approach across Lancashire TYS is not: A service A budget holder Something new? A “dumping ground”
TYS Principles Primarily for vulnerable young people with support for family and carers Early identification throughout all universal services with a primary focus on secondary schools and colleges Early identification based on Lancashire Continuum of Needs levels 1 & 2, focussing on key local priorities and indicators Intervention will be via accessible universal services and with multi-agency intervention
TYS Principles CAF and LP used to coordinate additional support Building on strengths, consolidating rather than adding more meetings Involve young people & their families in identification of needs & design & delivery of TYS Clear and simple information on how to access support will be widely available Available throughout the year Capacity building to be undertaken
TYS in operation in each district: Monthly multi agency meeting – TYS Operation Group, sub groups of the LCTP Discuss individual vulnerable young people and group/ geographical issues Agree specific services to be involved and date for review Review previous cases Report in to TYS Strategy Group and Local Children’s Trust Partnership
TYS in Operation in Districts Schools/ Service identify vulnerable young people for who they have not been able to fully their address needs Schools/ Service details of young person to TYS Admin to be considered by the TYS Operational Group – at least 6 working days before the meeting TYS Admin circulates individual’s details/ group issues along with agenda and timeslots to members – 5 days in advance of the meeting TYS Operational Group agrees specific service(s) to be involved in addressing young person’s needs Review previous cases Report back to LCTP/TYS Strategy Group
Depending on District Needs, TYS Operational Groups are likely to include: Schools/Colleges Young Peoples Service Educational Psychology Service School nurses Parent and Families Support Services Children Centres CIS Fire Service Teenage Pregnancy Team Drug and Alcohol Action Team Police Behaviour & Attendance professionals Work based learning VCFS CAMHS
Involving Young People in Shaping Services Involvement in design, delivery and evaluation: At the end of Team Around the Child meetings One to one conversations with Lead Professional Questionnaires/ surveys Focus groups School and Youth Councils
Measuring effectiveness of TYS: Views sought from Young People, parents and carers Local multi agency TYS Groups will review local issues/ priorities and effectiveness of interventions LCTP monitor effectiveness of Service contributions to address local priorities Children’s Trust Partnership Board will monitor effectiveness of local arrangements
Next steps: Strategy Group and CTPB sign off Strategy document circulated for comments Presentation to LCTP in May/June TYS Operation Groups in place and 1 st meeting by end July
Questions or Thoughts?
Our questions for you? How would you like to be involved? How would you be able to help us consult with vulnerable young people about and how TYS will operate in each District?