Welcome to Curriculum Night! Leslie Johnson 6 th Grade Language Arts Room 612 Paper, pens & pencils are located on the side table if you’d like to take notes or leave me a question!
Contact Information Information My wiki is located on the JMR website If your child is absent call the school sick line or the main office to report the absence. If your child has a note to leave early, come late, or to report an absence, they take the note to the Welcome Desk. If your child is absent from class they need to check the website first. I will post all class notes and homework on the website. If your child has a question or is confused they can me.
JMR Classroom Expectations Respectful Listen attentively use materials properly have a positive attitude use appropriate verbal and body language Responsible be one time come with all materials complete all assignments follow teacher instructions Safe keep hands, feet and objects to yourself report problems, disturbances practice appropriate digital citizenship
Grading Policy Percentage Breakdown 1. Informal Assessments - 35% of quarter grade – Quizzes – Class work – Homework 2. Formal Assessments - 65% of quarter grade – Test – Projects – Test and Projects can be re-assessed for a grade up to 79% if failed. 3.Late Work – Will be accepted, 5 points will be deducted from the final grade for each day the work is late. – Parents will be notified after three days. Administration will be involved if needed. – A zero grade will be given if child does not turn in the assignment after parent contact and when all avenues have been explored! – Please train your child to check power school – CMS policy - if a grade is missing for any reason a zero will be entered into the gradebook until the assignment is turned in. – No make up work will be taken after the quarter ends.
Working Lunch and Detention Working Lunch: There are a number of different academic programs within our building that we provide to support our struggling students. This year we will be implementing Working Lunch that will be offered during lunch. During this time the student will have an opportunity to receive help, extra time and/or an opportunity to get caught up with work. This is NOT a punishment, it is a time to get support. Lunch Detention: Students will be sent to lunch detention for not meeting classroom expectations or for inappropriate behavior. Warning Lunch Detention Lunch Detention (with parent notification) After School Detention (with parent, teacher and admin) Referral to administrator
Topics/Skills Literary elements- character, plot, theme, mood, tone conflict (all parts that make up stories) Foreshadowing, making inferences, character traits Grammar, writing, dialogue Essays, poems, novel studies Socratic seminars & group projects Greek and Latin Roots Study FOCUS - TEXTUAL EVIDENCE
Homework Homework will be assigned daily. The kids will NOT have homework on most weekends. Students are expected to complete assignments to the best of their abilities. If your child needs help they need to communicate this to me! The kids must be self-advocates. Students are required to have a book in class for daily reading. This can be any book of their choice. Second quarter students will be completing “book reports” twice per quarter for the remainder of the year. This report will be a grade. Imperative that students write their homework in their agendas every day!!! – I write the assignments on the board, they are posted on my website and I discuss them in class-no excuses!
Tutoring Tutoring will be available: – Tuesday - Mrs. Pusanik from 7:15 – 7:45 – Wednesday - Mrs. Navarro from 7:15 – 7:45 – Friday - Mrs. Johnson from 7:15 – 7:45 – Thursday - Ms. Norwine from 3:30 – 4:00 Students should come with a specific assignment or skill they need to work on – do not show up and say, “I need help.” Please remind your child to let me know in advance when they plan on attending, so that I know how many students to expect. This is a GREAT time to get extra help or get caught up!
Novels Touching Spirit Bear These novels are on sale through the JMR PTA through the Payforschools website( a link is on the JMR website) The cut off date to order our first novel is September 7. If you are not planning to use the Payforschools website you will need to order the book through another source or purchase from a local book store by September 14. We are changing our novels, we apologize for not have a finalized list at this time.
Thank you! Thank you for coming. I hope you found this information to be helpful. I wish your child great success this year!