The Gilded Age: Labor Movement and Impact of Industrialization Mr. G.A. Hawkins U.S. History
The Gilded Age: Labor Movement and Impact of Industrialization Industrialization caused the growth of cities, increased world trade and problems such as monopoly, labor issues, and pollution resulted from it.
The Gilded Age: Labor Movement and Impact of Industrialization Growth of Labor Unions and the rise of American Labor Movement occurred because of the alienation of workers in factory settings. The growth of the Labor movement led to the formation of first labor unions in America.
The Gilded Age: Labor Movement and Impact of Industrialization The Knights of Labor 1869 = Founded by Uriah Stephens. It was a white male organization until Terence V. Powderly (Irish Catholic) opened union to both skilled and unskilled workers. He also wanted to accept women into Unions. Mary Harris Jones was a female leader and activist. She was known as “The most dangerous women in America by her opposition.
The Gilded Age: Labor Movement and Impact of Industrialization The American Federation of Labor = union of skilled workers. This labor union broke out of the Knights of Labor. It was founded by Samuel Gompers in 1886.
The Gilded Age: Labor Movement and Impact of Industrialization The Great Upheaval 1886 = This was a year of intense strikes and labor violence confrontations. The most notorious strike confrontation was known as the Haymarket Riot. The Haymarket Riot was a disturbance that took place on Tuesday May 4, 1886, at the Haymarket Square in Chicago, and began as a rally in support of striking workers. An unknown person threw a bomb at police as they dispersed the public meeting. The bomb blast and ensuing gunfire resulted in the deaths of eight police officers and an unknown number of civilians
The Gilded Age: Labor Movement and Impact of Industrialization Sherman Anti-Trust Act 1890 = (Sen. John Sherman of Ohio) This act outlawed all monopolies and trust that restricted trade. It was difficult to enforce because it didn’t define what constituted a monopoly or trust. Because of this monopolies and trust continued to grow in size and power. This was bad because it did not allow for competition and kept prices fixed.
The Gilded Age: Labor Movement and Impact of Industrialization on Society
Treatment of minorities = Most minorities were denied civil rights. Child Labor = Industry preference for minimally paid child labor led to laws against the use of children in factories and jobs. Growth of Cities = Problems of overcrowding, inadequate infrastructure, crime, pollution, disease, education, and efficient local government were created.
The Gilded Age: Labor Movement and Impact of Industrialization on Society Immigration prior to 1890 = Most worked as laborers, were skilled and mostly Anglo- Saxon. Many settled the West. Those from northern Europe settled in eastern cities. New immigrants after 1890= there was an influx of immigrants from Eastern Europe who came with different languages and cultures. They suffered discrimination.
The Gilded Age: Labor Movement and Impact of Industrialization on Society Immigration to the United States: 1. expanded population of eastern cities due to large immigrant populations that sought work in cities and factories (late 19 th and early 20 th centuries. 2. Growth of the Pacific Coast due to immigration from Asia. (Chinese) 3. Changing population of the Southwest (Texas to California) due to the influx of immigrants from Mexico and Central America. 4. Expansion of the farm population of the Southwest over time as agriculture developed and depended on immigrant and migrant labor.