RESOURCES & METHODS: I. SVDP National Office Resources-(Spiritual Advisor Handbook) Vincentian Reflections Serving in Hope Rule & Manual Vincentian Celebrations Vincentian Discernment Vincentian Formation Home Visitation Other Tools Young Vincentian Activities and Resource Guide Voice of the Poor Books, Videos & Music, Vincentian Website
ADULT FAITH FORMATION In a faith context, adults talk together about things that matter, regularly over an extended period, to allow for genuine communication and learning.
Adults learn best when: They are treated with respect, as self-directing persons The learning situation is related to their past experiences They can see a value in what they are learning – values are often best communicated through story and being related to life situations They can see progress, immediate results, and some reward for the time spent
#3 tab - Vincentian Reflections: Spiritual Meditations for Conference Meetings based on Scripture Readings for Sunday & Vincentian Feasts
( click on Spiritual Resources) 1.Provide a copy of Sunday / Feast Day Reflection for each member. 2.Opening Prayer / Quieting Down 3.Each section read aloud by different person 4.Quiet Reflection (2-3 min.) 5.Optional Sharing 6.Closing Prayer How to Lead Vincentian Reflections (10 – 15 minutes)
#4 tab - Serving in Hope
A formation program to move us from our heads to our hearts, to sink in over years. Purpose: To root us in Vincentian Spirituality For all members and to tutor new members Six 20 min. sessions/ea. book for Conference meetings (weekly/monthly, or 3-4 hr. retreat) A Formation Guide ($1.25 / each member) & a DVD $5/each – one per Conference) What is Serving in Hope?
Modules SERVING IN HOPE TOPICS: Our Vincentian: I. Vocation (Engl./Span.) II. Spirituality III. Heritage IV. Mission V.Rule VI.Conference Life
Reflection & Sharing If you have used Vincentian Reflections or Serving in Hope in your Conference: What worked well? What were the difficulties? What suggestions would you offer others?
#5 tab: Rule & Manual Study well the Rule and Manual Have someone read reflectively a paragraph at a Conference meeting, and lead a discussion on it.
#6 Vincentian Celebrations Rituals and Ceremonies
RITUALS & THE RULE Part 3, Statute 4: The commissioning of new members should take place at an appropriate time & occasion. All members shall annually renew their promise of service Do commissioning & renewal at liturgy Statute 9: Conferences celebrate Eucharist together for six Vincentian feasts
tab #7 - Vincentian Discernment The Prayerful Discovery of God’s Will in the Spirit of St. Vincent
To be led by the Spirit To stand in complete Freedom Components of Discernment
1.Imitation of Jesus Christ: WWJD? 2.Unrestrictive Readiness: Letting go of preconceived ideas 3.Significance of Events: How is God speaking through the Poor, Church, World, my Life, the Society, my Feelings & Intuitions? 4.The Decision: Is it clear? Compassionate? Just? Peace-giving? Steps in Vincentian Discernment
REFLECTION & SHARING 1.Have you used the Rule & Manual for reflection in your Conference? What would bring the Rule alive? 2.Have you used Vincentian Discernment to resolve a question in your Conference?
Tab #8 - Vincentian Formation A Foundation Document– Vision, Values & Virtues for Vincentians / Leaders Describes Four Areas of Formation: Human Spiritual Intellectual Ministerial
Tab #9 - Home Visitation
Tab #10 - Facilitation Principles for Sharing
OTHER TOOLS Young Vincentian Activities and Resource Guide Voice of the Poor Books, Videos, Music &
The Youth / Young Adult Vincentian Handbook
“Spirituality for Youth & Young Adults in the Society” (p ) Challenge to live faith (like Frederic Ozanam & friends) Commit totally to Christ Essential to continuance of Society Interaction with other youth /young adults Formation through Ozanam Orientation & Conference meetings (same resources as adults)
VOICE OF THE POOR “ To have ears to hear the cries of the poor and eyes to see the injustice of their situation, demands a deep and profound spirituality.” -Introduction
Voice of the Poor Ten Sessions 1.Spirituality of Justice 2.Affordable Housing 3.Health Care 4.Homelessness 5.Hunger 6.Immigration 7.Predatory Loans 8.Restorative Justice 9.Rights of Workers 10.Voice of the Poor Frederic envisioned the establishment of a network of charity and social justice encircling the world.” Rule 2.4
BOOKS Apostle in a Top Hat- biography of Frederic Praying with Vincent, Frederic, Louise Turn Everything to Love – lay spirituality Faces of Holiness – Vincentian Saints Seeds of Hope – Stories of Systemic Change Like a Great Fire – life of Vincent Vincentian Heritage Institute articles “Home made bread”
AUDIO-VISUAL DePaul University -Vincent De Paul: Charity’s Saint ($9.80) A documentary for the 350 th anniversary of the deaths of St. Vincent & St. Louise (2010) “Monsieur Vincent,” 1947, or Googlewww.amazon.com Fr. Ron Ramson, CM (VHS) - SVDP catalogue -A Society of Friends: our unique Vincentian calling. -Biography of Frederic -The Little Rule That Works
MUSIC To settle down, to speak to our deepest emotions Discover new insights and ideas from lyrics Words challenge to rid self of complacency and accept responsibility Reinforce a reading (lyrics from scripture, etc.) Use a hymn regularly to bind Vincentians together
Official International Vincentian Family Website Vincentian Formation: Games, Podcasts, Puzzles, Stories, Courses, articles Subscribe for daily e- mail updates News, networking English, Spanish, French
reflection and discussion: What new insights did you receive today? What do you want to remember ? What will you try when you return back home?