Mrs. Millard Family Relations
Bride and groom both have to be 16, except in the case of pregnancy, verified by a doctor’s certificate Legal guardian, father, or mother must give consent if under 18 must be given in person when applying for the license before license can be signed by the notary public
Properly dissolving a prior marriage Ancestor or descendent, brother or sister, uncle or aunt, whether by adoption, full blood or half When either of the parties lacks capacity to consent to the marriage because of mental incapacity or infirmity Same gender Common law marriage
No blood test required in VA Issued by clerk or deputy clerk of a circuit court in any county or city in VA, ceremony can be performed anywhere in the state Cost is $30 No waiting period for remarriage after divorce is finalized Marriage must be completed within 60 days of obtaining license No waiting period between getting license and ceremony
Any person performing the “rites of marriage” cannot charge more then 50 dollars VA marriage license is for VA marriages only You have to obtain a marriage license for the county and state that you wish to get married in and check their specific laws
minister of any religious denomination must be authorized by a circuit court to celebrate the rites of matrimony the court in each city and county has appointed persons who are eligible to perform civil marriage ceremonies There is no statutory requirement that witnesses be present at the marriage ceremony
The minister or other person officiating at the marriage must complete and sign the Marriage Register and the Marriage Return and forward both forms to the clerk of the court who issued the license within five (5) days after the ceremony is performed If not returned…. there will be no record of the marriage in the courts or with the state
certified copy of the marriage is needed, it may be obtained from the office of the clerk of court who issued the license or from the Virginia Division of Vital Records in Richmond, Virginia, for a fee of $12.00 for each copy.