I T T AKES A V ILLAGE W ORKING WITH A CADEMIC P ARTNERS TO C REATE S UCCESS Dr. Richard J. Sweigard, Dean Herff College of Engineering University of Memphis Susan Armacost, Director of Development, Herff College of Engineering University of Memphis
“Alone we can do so little. Together we can do so much.” - Helen Keller
“Great things in business are never done by one person. They are done by a team of people.” - Steve Jobs
“Whatever we accomplish belongs to our entire group, a tribute to our combined effort.” - Walt Disney
Why Work with Academic Partners?
Type of partner Involved in cultivation Present at solicitation Made the ask Planned Gift Officer$ %$$ VP of Development$ Chief Development Officer $ Dean$$$ Department head or program leader%% Provost$$ President$ $ Trustee $$ % = Linked to greater percentage of ask received $ = Linked to larger gift size
Who are your Academic Partners?
Faculty/Researchers Department head/program leader Deans University Leadership
Partnering with Faculty & Researchers
Why? They are the experts They know and work with your students They know many of our alumni They have corporate connections They lend credibility When? A donor has specific interests A donor has technical questions you can’t answer An existing relationship exists between donor & faculty How? Include in donor cultivation Host donor on campus or in lab Incorporate donor-student interactions Face-to-face meeting off campus , phone or written communications
Partnering with Department Heads & Program Leaders
Why? Can articulate how dept. goals align with college goals They lend even more credibility Can open doors that you cannot Can result in a greater percentage of ask being made When? A donor has significant capacity & has been vetted by DOD A donor has broad interests related to one area An existing relationship exists between donor and leader You are having difficulty securing appointment with donor How? Involve in Cultivation Personal interaction with donor (face-to-face) , call or written communication Resource for creating successful proposals Make independent asks in consultation with dev. staff
Partnering with Deans
Why? Can articulate college’s goals and initiatives They lend still more credibility Can open doors that you cannot Can result in larger gifts When? A donor has been adequately cultivated A donor has broad interests across departmental boundaries You are having difficulty securing appointment with donor NOT TOO SOON! How? Involve in Cultivation Personal interaction with donor (face-to-face) , call or written communication Capitalize on Dean’s travel plans (incorporate out of town visits) Let the Dean tell the College’s story! Involve in direct solicitation
Partnering with University Leadership
Why? To maximize a donor’s potential gift Can open doors that you cannot When donor interests are university-wide When interactions When? A donor has been adequately cultivated A donor has broad interests across departmental boundaries You are having difficulty securing appointment with donor NOT TOO SOON! How? Involve in Cultivation Personal interaction with donor (face-to-face) , call or written communication Capitalize on Dean’s travel plans (incorporate out of town visits) Let the Dean tell the College’s story! Involve in direct solicitation
Who’s Who LeadContact information
Time Spent Projects Worked On Get Familiar Achieve Mastery Working Toward Mastery Get Experienced
Doing Your Best Work Working from home Working offsite Technology requirements
Case Study Jeremy – His first day – Mistakes made – Successes achieved – The moral of the story
Discussion What we can learn from Jeremy Best practices Take-aways
Summary Define your challenges – Technological as well as personal Set realistic expectation – Mastery is not achieved overnight Keep your eye on the goal – Mentorship programs
Resources This slide deck and related resources: