Sleep and Dreams Chapter 7.1
What do we know about sleep? 1.People can learn to sleep for just a few hours a night and still function well. 2.Everyone dreams every night. 3.The brain rests during sleep. 4.Resting during the day can replace lost sleep. 5.As people get older, they sleep more. 6.Alcohol may help a person get to sleep, but it disturbs sleep later during the night. 7.If a person goes without sleep long enough, death will occur. 8.Dreams mostly occur during deep sleep. 9.A person prevented from dreaming would soon go crazy. 10.Sleepwalking occurs when a person acts out a dream.
Sleep an essential state of consciousness – involves stages and periods of dreaming. an essential state of consciousness – involves stages and periods of dreaming.
vocabulary consciousness REM sleep circadian rhythm insomnia sleep apnea narcolepsy nightmares night terrors sleepwalking
consciousness consciousness – mental awareness of sensations, perceptions, memories, and feelings. waking consciousness – a state of normal alert awareness. altered state of consciousness – a condition of awareness distinctly different in quality or pattern from waking consciousness.
REM sleep a stage of sleep characterized by rapid eye movements, a high level of brain activity, a deep relaxation of the muscles, and dreaming.
circadian rhythm the rhythm of activity and inactivity lasting approximately one day. a biological clock that is genetically programmed to regulate physiological responses within a time period of 24 to 25 hours. circadian rhythms operate even when normal day and night cues are removed.
insomnia the failure to get enough sleep at night in order to feel rested the next day
sleep apnea a sleep disorder in which a person has trouble breathing while asleep.
narcolepsy a condition characterized by suddenly falling asleep or feeling very sleepy during the day.
Dream vids Doggie dream Rem Pit – 4:50 Rem Huskie **unavailable Rem Baby up to 0:12
nightmares unpleasant dreams
night terrors sleep disruptions that occur during Stage IV of sleep, involving screaming, panic, or confusion
sleepwalking walking or carrying out behaviors while asleep.
Sleep sleep is a major part of human and animal behavior. sleep is extremely difficult to study. the study of sleep has been aided by the development of the EEG, which records the electrical activity of the brain.
Why do we Sleep? No one knows for sure.
What Sleep Is… sleep is characterized by unresponsiveness to the environment and usually limited physical mobility.
Theories of Sleep: What the Scientists Believe sleep is restorative sleep allows people to recharge their batteries: a time when the brain recovers from exhaustion and stress Others believe sleep is a type of primitive hibernation: we sleep to conserve energy Some suggest sleep is an adaptive process: example: in earlier times, sleep kept humans out of the way at night when humans would have been more vulnerable to animals with better night vision
Theories of Sleep (con’d) still other researchers believe we sleep to clear our minds of useless information a variation of this theory is, some people believe we sleep to dream.
Freud’s Levels of Consciousness Sigmund Freud – Freud first advanced the idea of dreams as wish fulfillment – an expression of unconscious desires.
Beta waves
Don’t Forget to Sleep! Be Totally Awake Almost Purely Half Asleep Theater of dreams Deep Like Total Sleep
Träumerei (cello) ** Budapest orchestra vioin – mischa elman josh bell w orchestra Vladimir Horowitz in Moscow
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Boy who couldn’t sleep