Ruth Aspden NOVIO Pam Quilter CDC
Why do we sleep? The circadian rhythm “The Body Clock” What is Melatonin? What is Cortozol? Normal sleep patterns (Hypnogram) restorative and dream sleep Average sleep times
The importance of good sleep Healthy sleep is important for Physical development Cognitive development Social and emotional development
Parents have a right to sleep! Children have a right to reach their full potential!
Types of sleep difficulties 25% of children have some sort of sleep disturbances Getting off to sleep-delaying tactics Staying asleep-self soothing Delayed sleep Night terrors/nightmares/sleepwalking/confusion arousal
Consequences of Poor Sleep Irritability Poor concentration Mood swings Failure to thrive Challenging behaviour Lower cognitive development
Your Child What does a good sleep routine mean? An introduction to a sleep assessment: Sleep Scotland
Establishing a routine... The importance of the daily routing and setting the difference between day and night times.
Symbols that might support night and day activities…
Using symbols, photos, pictures to support the structure...
Using a social story...these need to be individualised for each child and the family situation Why do we need sleep? Sleep is an important thing that everyone needs, from the smallest insect or youngest baby, to the biggest elephant or the strongest man. Our bodies and our brains really need it. When we are asleep it gives our muscles a chance to relax, repair and grow, and our brains a chance to learn and process all the things that have happened to us that day. Sleep can make our body feel better when we are poorly. Sometimes we can dream in our sleep, this is the brains way of improving our memory and imagination. # Sometimes it can be quite hard to get to sleep at bedtime, it is a good idea to make sure we're feeling calm and relaxed when we are in bed, we can do this by reading a book or listening to music. The average person needs about 8-11 hours of sleep and rest a night. When we wake up from a good night's sleep our body is ready to grow, play, learn, solve problems, get on with friends and family and be imaginative and creative ready to be the best we can be! By Anna Guppy