Gary Jeffries Chairman Solent Local Enterprise Partnership
The Solent Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) Home to more than 1.3 million people and more than 50,000 businesses An area with immense natural advantages supported by strengths in key economic sectors, world-class universities, a strong base of high quality Further Education (FE) colleges, renowned heritage, countryside and coastline, and excellent transport links by road, rail, air and sea. Anchored around the Isle of Wight, the two cities of Portsmouth and Southampton, the M27 corridor and the Solent waterway
Solent LEP Skills Strategy The Solent LEP Skills Strategy aims to support the development of a world-class workforce to drive our future economic success. It aims to ensure that Solent’s growth ambitions are supported by an employment and skills system which meets the needs of employers and individuals. Key Themes: Develop world-class skills Transitions to employment Raise business investment in skills Develop a responsive skills and employment system
Current Areas of Work - CEMAST Invested £6m in the £12m Centre of Excellence in Engineering, Manufacturing and Advanced Skills Training (CEMAST) which opened in September 2014 Specialising in STEM skills, CEMAST will act as the main learning centre for students in apprenticeship programmes with BAE Systems, GE Aviation, Virgin Atlantic, Coopervision, Burgess Marine and Jensen Motorsport.
Current Areas of Work – Young Entrepreneur Fund £100,000 grant funding, plus business support, available for young people in the Solent to start-up their first business Round 1: £39,000 allocated to support 10 Young People Round 2 closed in November: Next projects to be announced shortly Round 3 coming soon
Current Areas of Work – Solent Employer Ownership of Skills Programme The Solent Employer Ownership of Skills Programme is a competitive fund of £1.5 million, with £750,000 available in 2014/15 and £750,000 in 2015/16. Over the two year period this programme will support the delivery of: 200 new apprenticeships (level 3 and above) 200 other higher level qualifications (level 4 and above) 400 new or safeguarded jobs Asks private sector employers to develop and deliver solutions which enable them to recruit and train staff with the skills they need for the future The Programme is an open offer to employers, with a focus on Advanced Manufacturing, Marine and Maritime, Defence, Aerospace and Technology
Growing the Skills Base and Supporting Business Growth a key priority area Capital Skills projects prioritised in 2015/16 Solent LGD allocation: £10.9m LGD investment to create a Centre of Excellence for Composites on the Isle of Wight with IoW College and GKN Aerospace – a centre of excellence for composites, advanced manufacturing and marine technology. £9m LGD investment at Eastleigh College – upgrading existing college facilities, including a new Advanced Technology block. This investment will increase the number of young people enrolling on science, technology, engineering and maths course by 10% year on year between 2014 and Combined output of 2,500 new apprenticeships in the period to 2021 Solent Local Growth Deal
Future Plans Skills continues to be a priority in the Solent Local Growth Deal negotiations We are seeking £15.85m funding for 3 schemes for under our next allocations: Solent Excellence Centre Centre of Excellence for Construction and the Build Environment (COBE) Hythe STEM Centre of Excellence
Solent LEP EU Structural & Investment Fund Strategy (EUSIF) Key skills targets are set in our European Structural and Investment Fund Strategy. Between : 2,000 young people provided with intensive Information Advice and Guidance 1,700 young people entering Traineeships, with cost of living support 2,330 additional Apprenticeships 3,000 people taking part in employer-led skills programmes 4,200 unemployed adults provided with skills support into work 2,400 participants in community programmes 1,140 people entering supported employment through the Solent Jobs Pilot
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