North Yorkshire County Council Clerks’ Conference – Friday 30 th January 2014 The Role of the Clerk
The Role of the Clerk – content of session What we are going to do ? Revisit and clarify the Role of a Clerk - purpose, roles and responsibilities, focus on GB Business Explore the impact on Governance as a result of the demands of Ofsted Inspections and what does this mean for clerking Looking to the future – Professional Clerking – checking out the key issues – impact on the Role of the Clerk – identifying the impact on the current clerking provision – School based and Local Authority – working relationships – Clerk/Chair, Clerk/HT, Clerks/Chairs of committees
Revisit and clarify the role of a Clerk – Activity One PART ONE: Purpose PART TWO: Roles and Responsibilities Handout 1 – Activity explanation
The National Picture - Purpose – Roles and Responsibilities 2014 School Governance Regulations say that ‘The clerk to the governing body must – attend meetings of the governing body and ensure that minutes of the proceedings are produced in accordance with regulation 15(1) maintain a register of members of the governing body and of associate members and report any vacancies tot eh governing body; and perform such other tasks as may be determined by the governing body from time to time
Nuts and Bolts - interpreting ‘ the clerk to the governing body must” Activity – “Nuts and Bolts” In table groups Consider and share current “nuts and bolts” tasks undertaken to fulfil your clerking roles and responsibilities in relation to : GB and committee meetings – planning, agendas, supporting papers, information (including any concerns, issues and questions) Minutes – content, question and challenge, linked to school improvement, draft, proof reading (Who) – guidance provided by Clerks during meetings – post meeting
Responsibility of the governing body – Appointment of a clerk School Governance Regulations 2014 stipulate that: ‘The governing body must appoint a clerk with a view to ensuring their efficient functioning and must have regard to advice from the clerk as to the nature of the governing body’s functions’.
The journey to professional clerking ‘A good clerk ensures that the governing body operates properly within legal frameworks, prepares and presents vital data, and provide professional support… An effective clerk is vital to the success of the governing body. The evidence indicates that this should be a professional role – similar to a company secretary’ The House of Commons Education Committee ( ) Refer to School Governors’ Yearbook 2014 (pages 53/54)
The Future – focus back on governance Facets of the journey introduced so far! Ofsted Inspections, (9 Criteria to judge governance) Governance Reviews (commissioned or recommended) Pupil Premium reviews (commissioned or recommended) Eight Elements of Effective Governance (NGA) GB self-reviews/ Governance within School Improvement/Development Plan and School’s Self- Evaluation systems
Ofsted and Governance : Nine Criteria Ofsted are looking at the effectiveness of governance including how well governors : 1. Ensure clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction 2. Contribute to the school’s self-evaluation and understand its strengths and weaknesses including the impact of their own work 3. Support and strengthen school leadership including by developing their own skills 4. Provide challenge and hold the head teacher and other senior leaders to account for improving the quality of teaching, pupils’ achievement and pupils’ behaviour and safety, including by using the data dashboard, other progress data, examination outcomes and test results 5. Use performance management systems, including the performance management of the head teacher, to improve teaching, leadership and management 6. Ensure solvency and probity and that the financial resources made available to the school are managed effectively 7. Operate in such a way that statutory duties are met and priorities are approved 8. Engage with key stakeholders 9. Use the pupil premium and other resources to overcome barriers to learning, including reading, writing and mathematics Ofsted School Inspection Handbook, Sept 2014
The Eight Elements of Effective Governance 1. The right people round the table 2. Understanding role and responsibilities 3. Professional clerking 4. Good chairing 5. Good relationships based on trust 6. Knowing the school – the data, the staff, the parents, the children, the community 7. Committed to asking challenging questions 8. Confident to have courageous conversations in the interests of the children and young people National Association of Governors (NGA)
“PROFESSIONAL CLERKING” – Key Facts and considerations Effective recruitment and selection systems- job descriptions – skills Relationships – quality and effectiveness Clarity regarding purpose, roles and responsibilities Continuing professional development and training Professional conversations – performance management/appraisal