Rushford-Peterson High Parent’s Night Focus: Post-High School Planning 11 th & 12 th Grade Students & Parents
Agenda Current career trends Career planning College search and application process ACT Earning college credits while in high school Financing college – general discussion
National Employment Outlook Total employment is projected to increase 10% from 2008 – this will result in an additional 15.3 million jobs by Professional occupations (those that require college degree) are projected to increase most - nearly 5.2 million jobs, or grow 17%. Healthcare and technical occupations are projected to increase by nearly 1.6 million jobs or grow 21%. Planning for the future Source: Occupational Outlook Quarterly, Winter
Top 10 Jobs in America Biomedical Engineer Marketing Consultant Software Architect Clinical Research Associate Database Administrator Financial Advisor Market Research Analyst Physical Therapist Software Developer Occupational Therapist Based on job outlook, pay, and job satisfaction Source: CNN Money
R-P Students – Career Planning 6 th – 12 th Grade–Ramp-Up to Readiness 8 th Grade - EXPLORE 10 th Grade – PLAN 11 th Grade – ASVAB, Career Expo, Tour of Winona Colleges 12 th Grade – Senior Seminar
Why Go to College? Prepare you for your future career Increase your Earnings H.S. Graduate: $29,950 Associate’s: $39,936 Bachelor’s: $54,756 Master’s: $65,676 Professional $86,580 Doctoral: $80,652 –Source: US Bureau of Labor Statistics 2011 Planning for the future
Why Go to College? Opportunities Meet new people Encourage students to live on campus if possible Study abroad Challenge yourself Stretch your mind College is an investment in your future!
College Search – Getting Started 11 th Graders Plan to take the ACT in spring/ summer Start visiting college campuses Take challenging courses Take leadership positions in school activities Maintain successful grades in all courses 12 th Graders Write down all deadlines Continue challenging courses Fill out applications early in fall Apply for financial aid soon after January 1st Apply for scholarships Maintain successful grades in all courses
College Search – Getting Started Counseling Office Website resources See handout ** College Reps Attend College Fairs Schedule College Visits**
ACT Exams Applications (Who should take the ACTs?) New this year: all juniors will be taking the ACT. Test is given free on April 28 th. Desired Scores ACT score goal should be at least Send scores to colleges (4 for free) Should I retake the ACT? Planning for the future
Preparing for the ACT Ways to Prepare: Take rigorous courses Take the PLAN Free practice tests available Area workshops ex. ZAPS
Earn Credits for College AP Courses Concurrent Enrollment College in the Schools OCHS (On-line College in the High School) Articulated Courses See handout
College Application Process Apply on-line. Apply fall of your senior year Exception is for certain programs at 2 year colleges. Some programs have a waitlist. Requirements for applications Complete application, transcripts, may require essay –Let counseling office know to send transcript –May also have to print off a counselor’s report Planning for the future
Financing College Basics Types of financial aid Student Loans Work Study Grants Scholarships Planning for the future
How to apply for financial aid Fill out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) Financial Aid Night at R-P – February 2 nd at 6:30 pm WSU December 8 th at 7 pm. See handout Planning for the future
Completing the FAFSA To complete the FAFSA, you will need: Student’s tax return (if filed) Parents’ tax return if applying as a dependent student Tips on completing the FAFSA: Visit Recommend applying before college’s priority financial aid deadline. Planning for the future
Scholarship Information Please check with your college/university on available scholarships. Local scholarships will be posted in January/February. Scholarship lists will be posted on website. Sign up with Scholarship tips See handout Planning for the future
Counseling Resources Please check out my website for additional college/career planning resources. Check out Excellent resource. Sign up to receive ACT Parent Newsletter Planning for the future
Questions? Thank you for attending! Planning for the future