2013/14 Rotary Scholarships (formerly Ambassadorial Scholarships) What’s New: Scholarship Application on DISTRICT website! Application deadline extended until June 15 This is our first year of Future Vision Scholarships open to Rotarians and non-Rotarians
2013/14 Rotary Scholarships (formerly Ambassadorial Scholarships) Where to find the Application
2013/14 Rotary Scholarships (formerly Ambassadorial Scholarships) Scholarships available for study abroad, focusing on graduate studies. Preference for studying in a new country Be a true Rotary Ambassador!
2013/14 Rotary Scholarships (formerly Ambassadorial Scholarships) What’s New: Scholarship Application on DISTRICT website! Application deadline extended until June 15 This is our first year of Future Vision Scholarships open to Rotarians and non-Rotarians