Wireless Data Security Peter Michel CSC 8560 February 24, 2004
Introduction This article deals with security features of several types of wireless networks CDPD CDMA GPRS VPN
Cellular Digital Packet Data Secure reliable protocol typically used by law enforcement and public safety officials Wireless modem communicates by radio to a base station which transfers the data by landline to an intermediary system and then through a gateway to the destination Sophisticated authentication, RSA encryption of data Possible to create private networks
Code Division Multiple Access Started in WWII to control torpedoes and used for communication during Cuban Missile Crisis Wide bandwidth, multiple packets Not susceptible to eavesdropping, 64 bit key used for encryption and authentication Recently used with Smart Card technology
General Packet Radio Service Subscriber Identity Module Card, PINs provide equipment security Authentication and encryption Firewall to protect from outside connections
Virtual Private Network Data is encrypted on VPN client and decrypted at server Opens a secure tunnel; private network from any location Low cost, flexible, standards based
Conclusion These technologies provide security within the carriers network. It does not extend into the Internet Resource: Wireless_Security.pdf