Improving Physical Fitness Objectives: Discuss the Benefits of a Healthy Lifestyle and Aerobic Activity.


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Presentation transcript:

Improving Physical Fitness Objectives: Discuss the Benefits of a Healthy Lifestyle and Aerobic Activity

Students will be able to explain six skill-related fitness components Students will be able to explain weight room etiquette Students will be able to explain the R.I.C.E. principle Students will be able to explain 5 common causes of training injury Students will be able to explain difference between a sign and a symptom of an injury Students will be able to explain common types of injuries Objectives- Day 4 SOLs: 9.1, 9.1b, 9.1d: 9.2, 9.2a, 9.1c 9.4, 9.4a, 9.4b

Bell Ringer #4 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Businesses should do anything they can to make a profit. Support your opinion by using specific reasons and details. Include the statement as the first sentence in the beginning of essay. Save these to be turned in with your test! Worth 10 Points. Write a half page red to red about.

Avoiding Injuries

3 common types of injuries: 1. chronic injuries, which result from overuse or over-training; examples include – Shin splints, – Tennis/golfers elbow, and – rotator cuff (shoulder) injuries.

2.Acute injuries result from an accident that occurs while participating; examples include – spraining an ankle, – straining a muscle, and – breaking a bone.

3.Microtrauma a small but unseen and unfelt injury, caused by risky exercises, caused by wear and tear over time, and the cause of muscle or joint injuries later in life.

Strains are injuries to muscles and tendons (strained hamstring muscle, for example).

Tendons Muscles are connected to bones by tendons

Sprains are injuries to ligaments (sprained ankle, for example).

Ligaments Bones are connected to other bones by ligaments

Question What is the difference between a sign and a symptom of an injury?

Answer Signs are things the injured person or others can see: – bruising – swelling – Bleeding Symptoms are felt by the injured person: – soreness – sharp pain

5 Most Common Causes of Training Injury 1. Incorrect Technique- This is the most common cause of weight training injury 2. Too much weight- This is when you have to jerk or heave weight to lift it. 3. Poor Training- If you under eat and continue to train hard, you are likely to get hurt.

5 Most Common Causes of Training Injury 4. Training too often- You can not grow when you over train. 5. Inadequate warm up- You should do a high rep, low intensity quick paced exercise to increase blood flow to the muscles.

Question When an injury happens, it needs to be treated. For injuries such as sprains and strains, what should be done immediately following an injury?

Answer The RICE principle should be followed: Rest Ice Compression Elevation

Weight Room Etiquette 1. NEVER attempt an exercise before learning how to perform it properly 2. Always use a spotter 3. Always use collars on all bars 4. Always replace plates and dumbbells to appropriate place 5. If sweaty, always wipe off bench after use 6. Never use offensive language

Weight Room Etiquette cont’d 7. Never drop or throw plates or dumbbells 8. Keep benches in their designated area 9. Glass bottles are not permitted 10. NO FOOD 11. Proper footwear is required 12. Respect your fellow classmates at all times 13. Be courteous to other students by sharing

What are the skill-related physical fitness components? balance coordination speed agility power reaction time

Answer The six skill-related fitness components are balance coordination speed agility power reaction time

Answer 1. Agility is the ability to change directions quickly. Sports that require it include wrestling, running back in football, ice skating, soccer, and others?

Answer 2. Balance is the ability to maintain an upright posture when standing still or moving. Sports that require it are gymnastics, ice skating, skiing, and others?

Answer 3. Coordination is the ability to use your senses (such as eyesight) together with body parts (such as hands or feet). Sports that require it are catching and hitting in baseball, kicking in football or soccer, others?

Answer 4. Power is the ability to exert force very quickly (using strength and speed together). Sports that require power are throwing discus in track, high jumping in track, and others?

Answer 5. Speed is the ability to cover a distance in a short period of time. Sports that require it are sprinting in track, swimming fast, others?

Answer 6. Reaction time is the amount of time it takes you to get moving once you know you realize the need to act. Sports that require it are the start in track sprints, the start in swimming, reacting in karate or fencing, and others?

Class Activity: Create a crossword puzzle using as many words from the wellness unit. Don’t make squares, just the answers Write clues/hints below crossword puzzle. Put name on paper and turn in with bellringers Minimum of 20 words (Worth 10 points) See example next slide

Crossword: 20 Words: FITNESSFITNESS E T N T E S I T Y Across 1- How hard one works