CDM105 Session 12 Macromedia FLASH MX 2004 Part 5 : Sounds, publishing your movies, and the ‘Get URL’ action
CDM105 Session 12 Sounds in FLASH Imports.AIFF formats (Macintosh),.WAV formats (Windows/PC) and.MPG (for both platforms) Flash can only adjust the volume and clip the end off sounds –All other edits have to be done outside of FLASH Try packages such as Goldwave (Shareware) or Sound Forge to edit Sounds on a PC Imported sounds are stored in the files library
CDM105 Session 12 The Sound Sync Setting Event synchronises the sound to the occurrence of an event. An event sound plays when its starting keyframe is first displayed and plays in its entirety, independently of the Timeline, even if the movie stops. Start is the same as Event, except that FLASH will not start a new Instance of a start sound if that sound is already playing Stop silences the specified sound. Stream synchronises the sound for playing on a web site. Flash forces animation to keep pace with stream sounds. –The sound is broken up into smaller clips and associated with frames in the movie
CDM105 Session 12 Adding Sounds to Frames Import your sound clips into the movie –File > Import > Import to library Ensure you have the Library window visible –Windows > Library Select the keyframe where you want the sound to begin Drag a copy of the sound clip you want from the library onto the stage Open the properties panel Set the sound sync property to start Example: com184flash5amx04.fla
CDM105 Session 12 Stop example Set the sound sync property to stop Example: com184flash5bmx04.fla
CDM105 Session 12 Adding Sounds to Buttons Create a button in the normal way Add an extra layer to the button (while in symbol editing mode) Add appropriate sounds for the mouse over and down states Example: com184flash5cmx04.fla
CDM105 Session 12 Delivering Movies Shockwave FLASH format –.swf file extension Export Bitmap formats, –e.g. GIFs and PNG Export vector formats –e.g. Adobe Illustrator Export to QuickTime or AVI –QuickTime has excellent compression but sometimes fails to export sounds correctly in complex animations –AVI = poor quality and large file size Export to other Macromedia products –Director, Authorware (Flash Extra required), Dreamweaver
CDM105 Session 12 Delivering Movies Each type of export has a number of options which are all described in the Help System
CDM105 Session 12 Get URL action Load a specified URL into the browser In this example a new Browser window is used Example: com184flash5dmx04.fla
CDM105 Session 12 Variables in FLASH FLASH provides the functionality for ‘variables’ –containers for storing information Plus it is possible to create expressions formulae for manipulating the information Result = ( Number1 + Number2 ) / Example
CDM105 Session 12 Creating an adding machine Create Two Text fields and set the text property to Input Text Select the first text field and use the Properties Panel to name the Variable: Num1 Repeat for the second text field (Set Variable to Num2 ) Create a third text field Set the text property to Dynamic Text and name it Result Create a button Add the following ActionScript using Export mode Example: com184flash5gmx04.fla Now Test the movie !
CDM105 Session 12 Conditional Actions If Frame Is Loaded –Used to determine if part of a Flash movie has downloaded yet If Frame Is Loaded (60) Go to and Play (21) End Frame Loaded Go to and Play (1) Example: com184flash5hmx04.fla
CDM105 Session 12 Loading and Unloading Movies On (Release) loadMovieNum (”com184flash5jmx04.swf", 1) End On On (Release) unloadMovieNum (1) End On Examples: com184flash5imx04.fla and com184flash5jmx04.fla The level to load the movie
CDM105 Session 12 Tell Target (Manipulating Movie Clips) Movie Clip of a duck on water, name Duckonwater1 On (Release) { tellTarget (“/Duckonwater1”) { play (); } On (Release) { tellTarget (“/Duckonwater1”) { stop (); } Example: com184flash5kmx04.fla
CDM105 Session 12 Using ActionScript’s Object approach to Manipulating Movie Clips on (release) {; } on (release) { Duckonwater1.stop(); } Example: com184flash5lmx04.fla
CDM105 Session 12 Using Macromedia Flash –1) Try all the examples shown in this presentation Try to create them first yourself ! Check them with the examples on the module website –2) Add sounds to the buttons used in last week’s navigation framework (File: com184flash5dmx04.fla) –3) Add sounds to the Ben the bee story (File: com184flash5emx04.fla) –4) Add a rewind button to the duck example Read Chapters 15 to 17 of the 2 nd key text book and experiment more with Flash by creating more animations. –Ulrich, K - Visual Quickstart Guide FLASH MX 2004 for Windows and Macintosh Machine Based Tutorial