How to Harmony Using Unity and Toon Boom Harmony at Double Stallion
Double Stallion Games Big Action Mega Fight! (2013)
Double Stallion Games Big Action Mega Fight! (2013)
Double Stallion Games ‘Super Secret Mystery Title’ (201X)
Double Stallion Games ‘Project Luna’ (2016)
Hand Drawn Animation Visual signature for Double Stallion Frame-by-frame Undeniable charm and quality
Why Harmony?
Full Disclosure Approached by Toon Boom for support. Working directly with Harmony team to improve tools.
Overview Harmony Intro Authoring Tool Art Pipeline
Advantages for Artists - Live Demo
Art Pipeline Integrating art into the game. Always evolving to be better and faster. Harmony is the latest iteration.
Disclamer We have not completed a full development cycle with Harmony. This is a preview of what we think is exciting about the new Harmony pipeline.
Hand Drawn Animation Visual signature for Double Stallion Frame-by-frame Undeniable charm and quality
FlashSWF Pack Sprites Animation Cycles Mecanim Art Pipeline Flash ProfessionalUnityTexture Packer
Multi-pack Sheet 1 Idle 1 Idle 3 Attack 1 Sheet 2 Idle 2 Attack 2 Sheet 1 Idle 1 Idle 3 Run 2 Attack 2 Sheet 2 Idle 2 Attack 1 Run 1
Memory Usage 1024 px 2048 px iPhone: 8 MB iPad: 32 MB
Memory Tricks Use 16 bit color or texture compression Shrink assets for devices with smaller screens (LOD) Reproduce animation with cut-out where possible
LOD Support Unity 5.0: Asset Bundle Variants More or less broken Run-time selection of sprite sheet or animation Error prone Mip-mapping 33% memory penalty
Memory Tricks
Pipeline Limitations Many manual steps Tight memory limits No large characters Small number of animation cycles
Desired Improvements No designer required Better memory efficiency Maintain visual style
FlashSWF Read Animations Animation Cycles Mecanim Art Pipeline + GAF Flash ProfessionalUnityGAF
Memory Usage
GAF Gains Reuse symbols within animations to generate smaller sprite sheets Export symbol positions rather than individual frames Plays nicely with other Unity renderers
GAF Shortcomings Manual steps still involved High CPU usage for mesh generation Rigid skeletal look to animations Additional license to purchase
AuthoringExportPlay Art Pipeline + Harmony Toon Boom HarmonyUnity
Harmony Export
No Designer Needed Empowers artist to control the animation Saves us tedium of re-configuring animations and state machines when importing Simple code calls to trigger animations
Optimal Memory Usage Optimal memory for each character Deformers allow further reductions Support for LOD out of the box
Powerful Authoring Tool Authoring paradigm closer to how games work Encourages animators to use memory-reducing techniques
Harmony Shortcomings Doesn’t integrate as smoothly with other Unity tools Native rendering engine has limitations
Conclusion Excited about using this new powerful tool. Excited about improvements to our pipeline. Continuing awesome work with Toon Boom.
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