UbuntuNet Alliance Services to NRENs Tiwonge Msulira Banda Seminar on Building Successful NRENs in Eastern and Southern Africa Ramada Resort, Dar es Salaam, 28 th April 2016
UbuntuNet Alliance Community of NRENs ESA Builds and operates the UbuntuNet backbone A platform for service delivery and collaboration A carrier for NRENs
Services Connectivity Research and Education (REN) Connectivity Commodity Internet Point to Point links Regional REN Connectivity Global Transit Service International Restoration Value Added Services (VAS) Training NREN Collaboration New VAS Federation of Identities eduroam
1. Regional REN Connectivity Service Core service – provides a connection to and use of a shared research and education backbone network – the UbuntuNet REN Backbone. Allows NREN Members to exchange traffic with each other and to backhaul traffic to and from External Gateways on the Regional Backbone Provides transit to and from many NRENs and many commodity networks within Africa
2. Global Transit Service Provides global REN and global Internet access IP interconnectivity via the UbuntuNet backbone with other NRENs worldwide and with commodity internetworks worldwide. Available in two variants: Global Transit delivered in Europe Global Transit delivered in Africa
2a. Global Transit delivered in Europe Delivers global transit to the NREN in Europe – i.e. at either of the POPs in Amsterdam and London Uses upstream peering and transit interconnections in Amsterdam and London The NREN must have the use, independently of UbuntuNet, of one or more intercontinental circuits that connect its network to the POP in Amsterdam and/or the POP in London
2b. Global Transit delivered in Africa Delivers global transit at any POPs on UbuntuNet Regional Backbone The NREN must have ordered the Regional REN Connectivity Service and interconnect with UbuntuNet at a POP on the Regional Backbone Uses the same upstream peering and transit interconnections in Amsterdam and London
3. Intercontinental Restoration Service Offers protection against the failure of submarine cables that underlie all NRENs’ intercontinental connectivity to the POPs in London and/or Amsterdam UbuntuNet’s own intercontinental capacity is limited and we do not undertake to always be in a position to provide this service Ability to meet a new restoration requirement of NRENs depends on the amount of uncommitted intercontinental bandwidth at UbuntuNet’s disposal at the time and on UbuntuNet’s ability to source such bandwidth
4. Pont to Point Links As required by NREN, linking 2 points
5. Value-Added-Services Capacity-Building-as-a-Service Networking; Federated Applications; eduroam Training of Trainers Exchange Programme Community of NRENs for sharing and learning Soon Developing a strategy for Federated Services Identity Providers / Federations Platform for Cloud services Becoming the core of UbuntuNet Alliance to be offered on the UbuntuNet backbone as a platform
Platform for NREN sharing and Learning The regional Research and Education Network of ESA region NRENs from 15 countries BERNET, Burundi DRC EthERNet, Ethiopia iRENALA, Madagascar KENET, Kenya MAREN, Malawi MoRENet, Mozambique XNet, Namibia RwEdNet, Rwanda SomaliREN, Somalia SudREN, Sudan TENET, South Africa TERNET, Tanzania RENU, Uganda ZAMREN, Zambia
Thank you | Asante Sana | Zikomo kwambiri