Spending time watching TV takes time away from healthy activities. Children of different ages understand TV in different ways. Average: Ages 2-5 Spend about 32 hours a week watching TV. 6-11spend about 28 hours a week watching TV. Boyse, Kayla;RN. Television and children. August November 2011.
8-18 Year olds 71% have a TV in the bedroom. 54%have a dvd player. 37% have cable/satellite TV. 20% have premium Channels. 41% of TV viewing is online. 53%of 7 th -12 th graders have no rules on TV watching. 51% of households leave the TV on most of the time. Boyse, Kayla;RN. Television and children. August November 2011.
Kids with TV’s in their rooms spend about 1.5 hours more per day watching it. Kids who watch more TV spend less time with their family. Children and youth see an average of 2,000 beer and wine ads on TV. TV can discourage and replace reading. Boyse, Kayla;RN. Television and children. August November 2011.
“Extensive research evidence indicates that media violence can contribute to aggressive behavior, desensitization to violence, nightmares an fear of being harmed.” The average American child will see 200,000 violent acts and 16,000 murders on TV by age 18. Many shows glamorize violence: promoting violent acts as a fun and effective way to get what wanted with out consequences. Boyse, Kayla;RN. Television and children. August November 2011.
Children under the age of 8 cant tell the difference between reality and fantasy, Making them vulnerable to learning and adopting reality. Research in a University in Michigan showed that watching violent media can effect the willingness to help others in need. Watching TV violence reduces inhibitions and leads to more aggressive behavior. Boyse, Kayla;RN. Television and children. August November 2011.
Infants &toddlers who watch TV have more irregular sleep patterns Teens who watch 3 or more hours of TV a day, have higher risks of sleep problems by early adulthood. TV viewing is associated with altered sleep patterns and sleep disorders of children and adolescents. Alcohol ads portray people as being happier, sexier & more successful when drinking. The center on Alcohol Marketing & Youth found that the top 15 prime time programs most popular with teens all had alcohol ads Many studies have shown that alcoholic drinks are the most common beverage on TV. Recent research has shown that exposure to smoking in movie characters increases the likelihood that viewers will associate themselves with smoking. Internal tobacco industry documents shows that the tobacco industry purposefully markets their product to youth. having sex at younger ages. Even viewing shows with characters talking about sex increases the likelihood of sexual initiation. Most parents don’t talk to their kids about sex, relationships, birth control, and STI’s. Children get most of their information about sex from TV. Boyse, Kayla;RN. Television and children. August November 2011.
2/3 of the 20,000 TV ads each year a child sees are food ads. When watching TV the metabolic rate is slower than during rest. Ages 3-7 were found that physical activity & TV are the most associated with overweight risk. Boyse, Kayla;RN. Television and children. August November 2011.