Basic in Photoshop Tools in Photoshop Simple templates design menu in Photoshop different navigation bar image effects Design your portfolio page Design a high end web designing from scratch Design a cool Photography Portfolio Unique Desktop Layout
Animation concept FPS Understanding animation for web Flash interace Working with tools Creating basic animation frame by frame Creating animation using onion skin Shape animation Understanding fps and timing difference Understanding and creating symbols for animation Motion tween animation Using rotate, alpha effects in animation Motion guide animation Understanding movie clips Continued……
Working with colors pallet Adding sound to animation Adding sound to buttons Importing images from other software Creating effective web banners Creating web buttons Creating web advertisement Creating interactive web Presentation
HTML Introduction HTML Editors HTML Basic HTML Elements HTML Attributes HTML Headings HTML Paragraphs HTML Formatting HTML Links HTML Head HTML CSS HTML Images HTML Tables
HTML Lists HTML Blocks HTML Layout HTML Forms HTML Iframes HTML Colors HTML Color values HTML JavaScript HTML Entities HTML URL Encode HTML Quick List HTML Summary HTML XHTML
HTML5 Intro HTML5 New Elements HTML5 Canvas HTML5 SVG HTML5 Drag/Drop HTML5 Geo-location HTML5 Video HTML5 Audio HTML5 Input Types HTML5 Form Elements HTML5 Form Attributes HTML5 Semantic HTML5 Web Storage HTML5 App Cache HTML5 Web Workers HTML5 SSE
CSS Basic CSS HOME CSS Introduction CSS Syntax CSS Id & Class CSS How To CSS Backgrounds CSS Text CSS Fonts CSS Links CSS Lists CSS Tables
CSS Box Model CSS Border CSS Outline CSS Margin CSS Padding
CSS Grouping/Nesting CSS Dimension CSS Display CSS Positioning CSS Floating CSS Align CSS Pseudo-class CSS Pseudo-element CSS Navigation Bar CSS Image Gallery CSS Image Opacity CSS Image Sprites Contineud ….
CSS Media Types CSS Attr Selectors CSS3 Introduction CSS3 Borders CSS3 Backgrounds CSS3 Gradients CSS3 Text Effects CSS3 Fonts CSS3 2D Transforms CSS3 3D Transforms CSS3 Transitions CSS3 Animations CSS3 Multiple Columns
Exploring Dreamweaver Interface Planning & Setting Web Site Structure Working with panels Understanding and switching views Using property inspector Formatting text Creating Web pages Hyper Linking pages External Linking Anchor & Link Inserting Tables Merging cells Contineud….
Setting table properties Working with images Understanding jpg and GIF file format Image Linking Creating rollover images Inserting flash swf file in web pages Working with forms Validating forms Creating and working with Templates Working with Spry Menu Bar Creating Tabbed Panel Creating Collapsible panel Using Behaviors Creating interactive website Creating Table less website using CSS
Using Html5 Using Bootstrap Learning to use FTP Setting FTP Uploading of site Using Control panel
AN Advanced Web Education Center WEBLIQUIDS