Prior to the Progressives, Upton Sinclair and the energetic Teddy Roosevelt, most meat packing companies had few standards in which to follow! Things could get quite messy and very unsanitary.
Muckrakers - magazine journalists who exposed the corrupt side of business and political life in the early 1900’s. Upton Sinclair was considered a “muckraker” after his book “The Jungle was published in It gave a less than flattering portrayal of the meat packing business!
Regulating Foods and Drugs Meat Inspection Act 1906 After T.R. read The Jungle he pushed for legislation which would put strict cleanliness requirements on meat packing companies. However, government was forced to pay for the inspections under the compromise of the bill. Ultimately, meat standards rise and the public’s outrage subsides. Food and Drug Administration originates in Leads to Pure Food and Drug Act which we will discuss later.
USDA PRIME PRIME GRADE is produced from young well fed beef cattle. It has abundant marbling and is generally sold in restaurants and hotels. Prime roasts and steaks are excellent for dry-heat cooking (broiling, roasting, or grilling). Marbling -small streaks of fat that are found within the muscle and can be seen in the meat cut. has a strong beneficial effect on juiciness, flavor and tenderness.
Choice grade is high quality, but has less marbling than Prime Grade. This is ok, but it’s not PRIME GRADE
Select grade is very uniform in quality and normally leaner than the higher grades. It is fairly tender, but, because it has less marbling, it may lack some of the juiciness and flavor of the higher grades.
Standard and Commercial Grades- are frequently sold as “ungraded” or store brand meat. Utility, Cutter and Canner Grades- seldom if ever sold at retail, it is used to make ground beef or processed products
After the meatpacking controversy, muckrakers and politicians go after other food manufacturers. - Primary focus is on labels being true, and weights and measures are accurate.